Crypto Security Tips

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

In March this year I emceed Blockchain Unbound in Puerto Rico, and had the great pleasure of talking to former CEO and co-founder of Satoshi Labs, Alena Vranova. Satoshi Labs created the Trezor hardware wallet, widely acclaimed for its safety in storing crypto.
In the coffee break at Blockchain Unbound I chatted with Alena on stage to get some tips for viewers regarding safety online and the best practices for storing crypto.

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Nice video.
I love the "trust no one, not even yourself" comment.
I'm a fellow expat Aussie working and blogging in the crypto space.

oh nice!! Glad you liked the video :)

Would you be interested in talking to middle schoolers about #blockchain & #crypto either or in person or via video chat? You could use the footage for your channels if I get the administration & parents to sign off on it.

Interesting! I've spoken at schools before, but tbh I don't have too much time these days! Would depend on schedule etc :)

I’ll touch base with you in the fall. I’d like to do a trading simulation with them, sort of like funny money stocks but with crypto instead

Good stuff :)

Some advice here too for web devs and users:


super, thanks for the link!