[0145] - Google to Ban Crypto Ads, Fast Becoming Irrelevant As Search Engine

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)


Google recently announced that they will be censoring ( because that's what it is, censorship ) cryptocurrency ads, following after corporate giant Facebook.

Google, google, google. Your days are numbered as the top ranking search engine.

While Google will have thoughts of their own on this one, my thought is that Google is undermining their brand and core identity. They have trained people to "Google it", and think "search the internet for information" but now they are undoing that and training people to think something else. Eventually there is a tipping point when people shift from thinking "Google search for information" to "Google censorship of information".

The more bans, the more censoring, the more 'algorithm tweaking' that Google does, the more they eat into their own usefulness. People want to get their hands on all the best information there is, not just a sliver of what's allowed.

Most of all, people want to make their own minds up. And decide whether something is 'fake news' or not.

Google could get away with this during the hype of the Hillary vs Trump American election and the whole 'fake news' sideshow, but employing the same tactics outside that context makes it easy for the average person to see who the real villains are.

In my mind, Google ( and Facebook ) have just handed market share to free-speech companies like #DuckDuckGo and blockchain up-and-comer, #PreSearch. Advertisers will merely shift platforms and ultimately withdraw funding and lifeblood from Google.

While Google is currently a titan, they are not invulnerable and don't permanently own the market. Of course Google will be protecting their own bottom line and probably is preparing for the own release of an ICO, but at the end of the day manipulation is manipulation. But the fact that they are making a move like this tells you that they are in some way uncomfortable with the idea of the blockchain.

This play by Google tells you where they are at. Google is operating from a 'business as usual' mentality. They are reinforcing the old business model of tight-fisted monopolies, license to use invasive technologies ( because the law has not kept up with innovation ) and data harvesting of its customer base.

Anyway, an interesting news items to look into. Not that it will have any difference on the emergence of cryptocurrency and the rise of blockchain-related technologies.

I myself have used #DuckDuckGo since it came out. Now I've hooked that into #Presearc, I am happily earning crypto coins just for searching the internet. I liked Google when it first came out but now it's time for someone else to take over.

Check out https://presearch.org, the search engine that you can customize yourself. See their roadmap as there are some epic 'redesigns' for how you search the internet.

Thanks for watching,

Brendan Rohan - Indie developer of 'next gen' natural medicine from Melbourne, Australia

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DISCLAIMER: This article is written by an amateur investor and is offered purely for information purposes. This is not financial advice and you should always seek the advice of a finance professional.

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I personally think it is a good thing for a few reasons.

  1. It stops the ICOs with the biggest budget simply steamrolling great innovative projects. Any website can get clicks and views if they have a huge marketing budget for Google Adwords.

  2. It forces ICOs to think outside of the box and reach their communities in other ways, platforms like Crowdholding will be the future, as no longer will they be able to just spam people to come to their site, but will have to engage them through co-creation.

  3. It gives more power to bounties, people will spread the word of the ICO that has either got the best bounty campaign or a project they believe in. Although bounties can be manipulated by offering large sums, it is still better than google Adwords.

The only thing I don't like is that Google is clearly trying to strangle crypto. It's just underhand tactics to break the price, so they can invest into it or scare off users of crypto.

Upvoted for a great article, keep up the good work!

Yes, the Google thing has a lot to it.

The idea that Google is an "open channel of information" is not accurate.

Google, Facebook, etc are probably going to roll out there own blockchain product so are snuffing out the competition. On the surface they appear to be about "freedom of information", but in actual fact they are not. That's what I don't like. Playing it both ways.

Let the free market be the free market. And the people decide.

Thanks for the tip - I've long used Duckduckgo as well because gooble are scum.

i'll try out Presearch.

Goofle also do this thing where they manipulate the speed of results and now the entire internet is being "soft censored" in this fashion. That is why bullshit sites load so much faster than real conspiracy sites

Great article, upvoted.

If anyone is interested in earning some crypto, log into https://www.crowdholding.com. They recently uploaded a task about this very topic. Give your feedback and earn crypto for it, the better the response, the more you earn.

Here is the link:- https://www.crowdholding.com/project/68/task/428/what-will-happen-after-googles-ad-ban

Cheers. Thanks for the link.

Cool Post. Since you got the bitcoin tag do you have a prediction for Bitcoin over the next few days? Also followed you for future posts :)

Just about to do a forecast. I think the next 2-6 weeks will be more lull, which is excellent for buying in. I am predicting a late April return of the markets. When the markets do come back, you can expect some coins to overshoot their values and go way higher than moonshots - so there will be a good chance to sell off in the first few weeks of the bull run as the markets reinflate and normalize. I don't get into technical analysis too much as you can predict peoples buying behaviours by looking at what people think and their emotional states at the moment. Right now, it's "sour" because we aren't getting constant increases in value and as most investors are leveraged up to their eyeballs and were betting on a rising value, that's why the mood is "sour" and "burnt off". Also, technical analysis doesn't look at the one metric that matters - the actual value of the idea of the blockchain. The idea of a mobile phone or the idea of the internet is easy to see. But everyone misses the value of the idea of the blockchain because it is only just being rolled out. To me, we are way below the value of the idea and are in a "compressed market value", meaning, we will see a spring board effect when the market returns. Which it will.