1 Ounce Silver Bar Sunshine Minting

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Silver bars and rounds are good liquid investments as they hold their value quite well and can be bought and sold at prices close to their spot or market price. I collect them and hold most in my safety deposit box and during my last visit to my box I grabbed this cool one ounce silver bar from the refiner Sunshine Minting who makes bars in one, five, ten, and a hundred ounce bars. Below are pictures of this one ounce silver bar which actually has a security feature on the back of the bar whereby with the use of a Sunshine Mint Decoder Lens can verify the authenticity of the bar. When viewed with the decoder the circle on the back of the bar will read 'Valid' and when turned to 90 degrees a sunburst will appear for those bars that are authentic. I find silver bars like this to be very liquid as I can go to numerous bullion dealers and I am able to buy and sell them for prices within 5% of their spot price. Over the long term their value will likely appreciate by around 3% thereby keeping up with inflation. The one ounce silver bar below is worth around $16 US or $20 Canadian.

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Dear slydogg,
Nice post my friend. Silver really is great. The chart is looking good too - should be consolidating or maybe it already did and from now on it should tend to go upwards.
Probably buying some in a few months. Buy crypto is my number 1 position right now.
Gold chart could be quite bullish too, I mean, it is, but still keeping an eye on it.
And those bars look lit!
Yours truly,
Gandalf The White

Yeah I think silver is a good monetary asset to have or as a substitute for cash. Gold is good as well. I prefer both silver and gold to cash over the medium term for assets meant to be liquid. I invest in cryptocurrencies as well but as a medium to long-term investment as the values of cryptocurrencies are very volatile so to really capture positive returns one has to take a longer term view.

I do share your opinion my friend. Xag and xau are lit. Good longtermers, I guess. And true bout cryptos. Just need to know how to deal with this volatility.
Have a good one!