A reason why Social Security wont go bankrupt and its the same reason to buy bitcoin!

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

As the division between the right and left in the United States has increasingly gotten bigger and bigger, I've been asking myself some hard questions about the real idea of money and how to avoid the up coming calamity of hyper inflation and double digit interest rates. With the deadlock in congress continuing to worsen and everyone digging in their heals the national budget and debt ceiling will continue to be kicked down the road. This issue isn't just happening in the USA it's happening globally. I believe every person on the planet should educate themselves on the idea of money and find financial instruments that protect wealth. If you don't find a way to protect your money in a financial instrument that protects intrinsic value, then you are doomed to be part of the largest theft of wealth the world has ever seen. So how do we protect ourselves? Bitcoin! Let me explain...

Although, I believe President Trump's tax reform bill is a good idea and will improve the United States fiscal situation, I believe it will be to little to late. His reform acts may put money in the pockets of average middle class citizens and provide jobs to the poor and forgotten under Bush's & Obama's presidency, but it will take years to make a positive mark and begin to decrease the deficit in a meaningful way.

Don't get me wrong... I believe it's the correct direction for the country and I believe Trump to be an inspirational business man who knows how to turn bad cash flows into good. However, in a typical corporation Trump could just fire the Board of directors and replace them with people with higher financial IQ's. In the American political system however the board of directors is Congress (Power of the purse) and only citizens can fire them. Therefore he is forced to work with inept politicians that have no concept of money. I mean think about it, most congress people are lawyers not bankers, economists, or business owners. What does a lawyer know about money? Do you go to a lawyer for financial advise? If your answer is yes, then you need to start learning about money ASAP!!

Don't take this personal but most people can't even figure out how to pay their own bills every month let alone save for the future. Most politicians fall into this category too. That's why Hillary Clinton needed to spend 10 times as much money as Trump to reach the same amount of people. She and her team had no idea how to use money correctly.

As a student of money and a carrier sales person I've learned money is easily manipulated. The more money you have the more choices you have. The less money you have, the less choices you have. So what is money... freedom. Most people think that if they live a good life they will be able to retire at 65 and live off of their investments and Social Security. Unfortunately most people never save anything, so they are forced to work forever or live off of just Social Security. What proof do I have of this??? The last financial crisis, people who own a bmw and rent their apartment, people with $60k in student loans and a degree in Art history, just to name a few. Also, THE LOTTO! Everyone thinks they will be the lucky one that wont have to work for their future. Unfortunately the lotto is a fools bet and is another hidden tax governments place on their citizens under false assumptions. What politicians and schools don't teach people is Social Security was never set up to be the sole means of a persons retirement. It was/is only set up to offset 25% of a persons retirement. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SAVE THE REST YOURSELF!!!

But fear not, I'm sure you have all heard Social Security wont be around for the Generation X and Millennials for retirement. It will and let me tell you why.

Social Security will never go bankrupt because of the "Power of the Purse" or in layman's terms, inflation. The US mint has the power to print as much money as it needs to meet all of it's financial obligations. But the more money it prints it strips away the value of every dollar printed before it. Until $1 today is worth less tomorrow and even less the day after. This devaluing of the dollar will mean they can pay your Social Security payments but the purchasing power will be far less. BUT the US government will be able to say they met their obligations. DO YOU SEE THE SCAM? Who know what $1,000 in 20-40 years will afford? When my parents were kids they could by a Coke for $0.15. Now a can of Coke costs $1.50. Why? Inflation.

So what makes Bitcoin so special? There is only a limited amount and there will never be any more. There will only be 21 million bitcoin EVER. As demand grows the supply stays the same, so every coin will be worth more as more people demand it. This means its purchasing power will continue to increase over time. And you will be able to buy more with less. In contrast with paper money (fiat), as more money is needed governments simply print more which devalue every dollar before it and its purchasing power decreases.

In conclusion, governments are robbing the wealth of future generations to pay their current financial obligations. Bitcoin is a free floating currency outside the limitations of fiat money but liquid enough to be transferred into any governments currency in seconds. As the saying goes, those with money have the power. Bitcoin is the international currency of the future. The more you have the more choices you will have. The less you have, the fewer choices you will have!

Feel free to post questions and I will do my best to answer them.

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