Deviant Coin (DEV) - staking analysissteemCreated with Sketch.

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

A proud member of my TOP 3 PoS coin list is up next for a separate analysis!!! You guessed it right, it's Deviant coin (DEV)! The max coin supply is 88 million DEV which sounds really good. Keep following the news since I believe DEV will reach really nice price levels (although the price is actually very nice now, too). You can buy DEV on Cryptobridge, Cryptopia, and several other exchanges. Hopefully, the number of exchanges will further increase in the next few weeks.
Deviant's price was standing firmly at levels of approx. 12-13k satoshis and then....boom, a total explosion in the past week or so to levels 20+k satoshis. Amazing price action, right? Well, wait till you hear about staking. Deviant is definitely an excellent choice for staking since the rewards are really nice and the price just keeps increasing. I also like the way the whole project is managed and implemented. Keep up the good work guys!

I'm currently staking DEV with StakeUnited (join here). The rewards are quite nice and I'm really satisfied with the returns I'm getting. You can also stake solo, provided that you have a sufficient number of coins and nice weight on the network. I don't (YET!!!) so I'm staking in a community staking pool, StakeUnited as mentioned earlier. While I cannot provide any feedback on the staking returns when you're staking alone, I can provide information on staking in a staking pool. If you're staking with StakeUnited already, here you'll have a complete overview of your staking history. You'll be able to track the daily profits from staking your coins. Of course, StakeUnited takes some fees (3%) for their staking services. I consider that a fair price since I don't have to worry about anything.

As I said, you can track you daily staking rewards, but you actually don't have to, since I'm doing that for you! You can find all the information in my latest staking analyses (here). That one contains my whole staking portfolio. But here, I'll do a separate analyses of DEV only. Below is the information related to my staking history.

Deviant Coin (DEV)

Bought: 15.03.2018
First stakes: 17.03.2018

So, if you're using StakeUnited services, it might take some time for your coins to mature and you actually receive your first stakes. Some coins take even longer to start staking. It all depends on the moment you transfer your coins to your StakeUnited account.

All the daily staking gains I have received are presented in the chart below. The blue line represents the data points for the daily staking gains. The blue rectangle depicts range in which most staking gains are located. Finally, the red dashed line is the average staking gain from start of staking till the last full day of staking.

The daily gains actually have quite a swing, ranging from minimum of approximately 0,26% up to almost 1,92%. Daily staking gains have most commonly fallen in the range from 0,44-1,20%, so that's the actual range which you can expect. Of course, the minimums and maximums I mentioned can happen, but I suppose those usually happen only when there are some significant disturbances in the network and you stake far more than expected or far less than expected. The average value of daily staking gains amounts to 0,95%. Let me put that in a perspective and for that, let's use the same examples as in previous analyses.

Say you had 100 DEV at the start of a 53 day long staking period. How many DEV would you have at the end of the staking period? So on the first day of staking, you'd have 100,95 DEV. On the next day, i.e. second day of your staking adventure you'd have 101,91 DEV. Notice that the math somehow doesn't fit - on the first day you get 0,95 DEV, but on the second day you get 0,96 DEV. Well, on the third day, you'd get even more. That's called compounding. On the second day, you're not staking with 100 DEV anymore, you're staking with 100,95 DEV. That's where you get the difference. So, let's do the math for all 53 days. The following formula applies:

FINAL = START*((1+0,95%)^53)

where FINAL is the final number of DEV coins (or any other coins) you'll have after the 53 day period is over. For checking any other period, simply replace 53 with a different number. START represents the starting staking balance, i.e. 100 DEV in our case and 0,95% is the average daily staking gain. So, to answer the question - how many DEV would we have at the end of the staking period, the FINAL would amount to:

FINAL = 100*((1+0,95%)^53) = 165,06 DEV

So, that's what you should get, provided that math does it's job and your share in the total number of coins in the staking pool remains the same throughout the staking period. If someone adds coin to the pool, your share in the total falls, and the other way around. Staking rewards are awarded based on the shares each person has in the pool. The bigger the total number of coins in the pool, the bigger the weight on the network and thus, staking rewards are received more often.
Why have I taken the 53 days staking period? Because that's how much time we have before the block rewards drop significantly for staking and shift towards MasterNodes. Basically, there are a bit less than 77.000 blocks left until the block rewards drop for staking. At that time, you might have plenty of coins to consider opening a MasterNode by yourself or joining a shared MasterNode service. The block time is 1 minute. Below is a more detailed overview of the rewards scheme.

You can also find detailed information on the project web page:

I firmly believe that Deviant will have a huge impact on the crypto environment in the future since it has some very ambitious goals. While we're waiting for the Whitepaper, keep staking and think about acquiring some more DEV (I know I'm getting some more).

If you'd like to join an amazing community and stake together with us, you can start here. If you already are a member of the StakeUnited community and you like my analyses, consider adding me as your referral by entering Squallex1 in your referral field. If you'd like to make a donation of a bit of DEV for this interesting read, feel free to do so to the address shown below.


Stake till next time!

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