BITCONNECT saves the Day... well, how it saved MINE!

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Bitconnect Saves the day.jpg

Wow... what a crazy few days in the CryptoWorld... Bitcoin insurance would certainly have been nice... I mean it would have really been great. Wait wouldn't THAT be a great idea? A way to protect your investment so you don't lose your money or your mind, when Bitcoin suddenly takes a dive like Greg Luganis? Remember your friends have already warned you not to go THERE and, that Bitcoin was a bubble that would definitely burst.

I thought about my 1st investment when I 1st bought my Bitcoin... another "risky" investment that many warned me about... 1st I get warned NOT to buy Bitcoin by none investors...then I get warned not to invest my Bitcoin by crypto investors... so many warnings... it's my money, I thought. I joined Bitconnect... yep, let me hear it... all together now.. It's a ponzi scheme.. it's a pyramid... sounds so good, especially today.. a day after the entire crypto world panicked then had to take a collective sigh. So many people could do nothing about watching their investment go south. While I was in complete chill mode because for all intents and purposes my coins were secured. Insured even.

What you don't know about Bitconnect:

Bitconnect has an Exchange for trading Bitcoin, A staking program, a lending program and a referral program (the vaunted and scary ponzi scheme).

  • You can begin your skills as a trader by trading Bitcoin and Bitconnect Coin, It's the 1st place I learned to trade before taking on other coins out there in Cryptopia (now I'm a full time daytrader). I learned to read charts, study trends and have the bravery to hit that buy or sell button.

  • Bitconnect allows you to "Stake" your coins for certain amounts of time. Much like a CD that you can cash out whenever you like, you get a fixed return on holding your "coins" in an account. This account also helps secure the entire Bitconnect blockchain. You can "cash out" this program at any time with whatever profits you collected.

  • Bitconnect also has a lending program, also like a CD, this is a more time fixed program that pays you a daily interest payment for loaning them your Bitcoin_(4-10 month options). This is the INSURANCE, because you get paid on Bitcoin's volatility.. meaning.. whether Bitcoin rises or falls the program pays you 1% daily. Some days it pays a good bit more some a bit less but it usually pay's 1%. You can even get bonus interest depending on the amount you lend.

  • Bitconnect has a REFERRAL program and it's NOT a ponzi scheme... you can choose to invite your friends and family or you can keep the idea of this program to yourself... it's totally up to you. And should your friends or family join.. you get a bonus.. not any different than getting that $200 "bird dog" reward for referring your friend to a car salesman or real estate agent who sold you your car or house.

How did Bitconnect save MY day? Well on the 2 days where Bitcoin was sinking my money was gaining well over 1% daily interest.. Interest that I could take and spend or simply reinvest it to compound your money. I've done both.. as a matter of fact I've started day trading with my profits to give myself yet another revenue stream.

If you want to know more about Bitconnect so you can make a more educated decision about joining I'll be doing LIVE Chats on Discord - sign up HERE : (The Bit Connection room)

Before you join the Chat make sure you sign up to BITCONNECT here through my referral link: It's fast and it's FREE to join.

My job is to educate as I make my way through this new world of Crypto. I want to help as many people as possible and if you want to know more just hit me up.

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