Them prices WAY too High??! : BITCOIN is NOT expensive...

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Them prices way too high.jpg

So I sent you to the Bank to get gold bars and, you come back with silver coins....? What's up with that?

YOU in your infinite wisdom, decided you'd do your own math. But your math was really basic, inundated, just plain... old. You thought to yourself why would I buy a few shavings of gold, when I can have some whole silver coins? I mean gold is expensive and you can't really get a whole lot of it... but you CAN get a whole lot of those coins with the same money. You had ONE job...

As a Cryptocurrency consultant I can only advise my "clients" in the direction I feel is best, to get folks off on the right foot. When I say ALWAYS start off with the gold standard.. Bitcoin, and study the others later. Most heed this advice and are happy when they return to Coinbase often times with higher dollar value than their initial purchase. But then you have those adventurous few who pop into Coinbase and see some other much "less expensive" crypto and decide.. why have a small fraction of this behemoth, when I can have a whole one or more of these other currencies? I understand... I get it. Old emotional math says more is more, not less is more. And why would anyone want to do that..? Then they comeback extremely excited that they have a whole coin just as shiney and lighter.. lol. I ask nonchalantly, after giving a "Congratulations... welcome to the cryptoworld!", why did you not get Bitcoin..? I already know the answer... "Nah.. Bitcoin was too high" and because I won't ever debate someone's personal financial decision. I just say "oh.. ok".

Here's the truth about Bitcoin prices... this is just for future reference to those of you who may be entering the cryptoworld soon. Bitcoin is NOT expensive.. the price per coin you see is nothing more than an entry point. This is the price of Bitcoin when you enter the game. Of course you wish you had a whole coin and if you have $19K you can certainly get one. The price is the entry point to where your gains begin. When Bitcoin gains from the point of entry so does your money. I bought Bitcoin at $6461 and that's where my gains began. If I invested $1000 and Bitcoin gained 30%, so did my $1K. That's really the only way to look at it. It works like that with all coins.. The price is your entry point.. of course the longer you wait.. the amount of Bitcoin you get for your money will decrease.. I certainly got more at $6461 than I did at $7750 just a few days later but that $7750 has also gained it's growth from that point on.

Also nothing quite grows like Bitcoin and a $19K entry point is nothing when you realize that's a baby price compared to a month or two from now when prices could easily double.. You do want your investment to double don't you? From time to time you will catch an ICO which will give you a nice boost in your returns.. 90% of the time you will have to trade your Bitcoin for those returns and there's gonna be some real interesting economic factoring you will have to do to get your Bitcoin back as Bitcoin also will see gains.

My advice is to be prudent when beginning your Bitcoin voyage. Personally I would always start with the Big Boss 1st and buy the ALT coins as I figure out my crypto path to greatness. They are called ALT coins for a reason... they Alt not Bitcoin.. lol, you like that..? If you start with an ALT and decide to trade UP.. your $1000 could end up being $600 in Bitcoins world. Just something to think about.

That's all I got for now... as always Like, comment, share and most certainly UPVOTE! A Brother wants his Steem!!

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