Carrying Cash Can Be Considered A Crime and Lead to a Loss of that Money [life]

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 


In certain parts of the so called Free World, carrying large amounts of cash can be considered suspicious activity of a crime. This assumption or suspicion can be followed up by confiscation of this cash. In some parts of the Free World, an amount of $3,000 US Dollars can even lead to a criminal charge of Sales of Drugs, even when no drugs are found on your body or presence.

I have never had such experience, and hope that I never will if and when I do carry large amounts of cash. I would also hope that if one presents proper paperwork such as bank receipts that one would be able to avoid losing money to confiscation by a government entity WITHOUT proof of a crime and With Proof of legal acquisition for such assets. Unfortunately that is not always the case.

The following story is a perfect example of citizens having to prove their innocence first under Civil Asset Forfeiture law.

IRS Seizes $107,000
Legal Highway Robbery

And there are many more such cases. Crypto-currencies will definitely help in avoiding such situations.


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The shock of having all your money taken away by the government could probably kill someone. I'm sure they wont want to lose control of our money but it's getting to the point where they can't be trusted. The world debt in fiat money is costing all of us too much. They can take away money we have worked hard for. Something will surely change soon.

yes really your opinion friend

I sometimes carried large quantity of cash from bank to money exchange. I used to watch behind my back for some strange looking characters. It never come to my mind that I should be worried about guys who we pay in taxes to protect us (police) Mad world we live in.

The greatest slave is the slave that BELIEVES he/she is FREE... the elite have had this figured out for millenia, and only concede enough so that the Slaves Don't KILL the Masters as has happened before when the shackles were broken.

That is for sure,Crypto-currencies will make a positive effect in near future in case of cash holdings!

I have a worse one for you only it was in a newspaper. An old retired German woman has been taking all her pension from her account for something like a decade like some old people do for cases of emergency. Then they changed the banknotes and she came with her saved money to a bank and got arrested because she couldn't prove all the spare money was her collected pensions (what remained after paid bills) with the receipts. That's Europe, too.

The invented idea of "money" is closely protected by the Global Banking Cabal. Governments are the goons/enforcers of this Money Mafia.
Crypto-currencies are the great equalizers.

Just another reason to steal from us

An interesting situation, I hope if we have a currency in our pocket, we will not be arrested :) Thanks @streetstyle

cryptos will definitely change the way we use things for sure after reading this

This is getting ridiculous now. In the so called Free World we shouldn't have to present bank reciepts or any form of Za Paperz to authorities. In the old days people were innocent until proven guilty, and also not treated like a criminal until they actually commited a crime.

I got questioned the other day at the bank withdrawing over $500 dollars. If this isn't the very definition of living in a police state I don't know what is.

yeah man, that is damn true..

Such a shame that this goes on. I have heard of countless stories, read the news articles, watched the YouTube clips of it from local to the story news, etc. It is ridiculous this is a concern we have as "free" citizens.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I live in the UK and am just about to take a flight to Australia for Christmas. I have converted some of my spending money to AUD but am worried not just that it might be stolen but also confiscated. Yes, I am also taking my debit card but what if it doesn't work in a foreign country? I'd be left high and dry with no cash