Stock Analyst Predicts Bitcoin Price to Reach $50,000 in 10 Years: Bloomberg

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

Seasoned stock picker Ronnie Moas thinks that Bitcoin price will increase by twofold up to $ 5,000 in 2018, and will eventually hit a staggering $25,000-50,000 in the next 10 years, Bloomberg reports.
Read more here: https://adzbuzz.co725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy82NzQ0YTRhNDExOTcyYTRiZGZlMjJhODc1Zjg3ZDliMi5qcGc=.jpgm/shares/18601/stock-analyst-predicts-bitcoin-price-to-reach-50000-in-10-years-bloomberg

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All these BTC predictions out there... We don't even know what will happen in 1 month let alone in 10 years. Why don't they predict the market cap instead, would make a lot more sense.

That's true, but it's nice to see positive predictions, I believe the price of bitcoin will be much bigger than it is now :)

Sure, I agree, BTC is going places, and is still going to be around for quite some time. But I don't think we should assume it still being amongst the biggest players in 10 years. A lot of new stuff is coming up that imho looks a lot more promising than BTC. That's why I would rather see someone make a market cap prediction instead of the thousand price "predictions" on BTC price I see every day. (But let's assume a couple of trillion $ for now) ;-)

I totally agree!