Why is bitcoin so important?

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Why is bitcoin so important? Is it because of its exponential growth? Massive profits for so many people? Not really. The importance of bitcoin is that it is a disruptive technology. If you don't know what disruptive technologies are, 2018 is going to be a great year to learn. Disruptive technologies are technologies that disrupt the current system/paradigm/infastructure we have, in order to restructure and rebuild in a better way. Instead of of being a sustaining implementation (something that sustains or promotes current trends), it creates a disruption, ideally leading to a new, more useful path. It is for the same reason I believed in getting Trump into the office (and why some who lean a different way wanted Bernie in office) - to disrupt in a way that leads to something new, and hopefully better.
Some other examples of disruptive technologies: alternative energy, 3d printing, the internet, virtual reality, autonomous vehicles, etc.
Most humans would agree with a fundamental idea, that the world we live in is flawed, filled suffering, corruption, and a whole host of problems that could ultimately lead to our destruction and/or lack of fulfillment both individually and as a whole race. Very few humans , however, actually take the next step which is to try to imagine what specifically we can do about it. Disruptive technology and innovation is one way of approaching the problem of our current dilemma. There are no miracle solutions in innovation - although some times certain innovations absolutely seem miraculous.

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