RE: The "Wolf Of Wall Street" Says Jamie Dimon Is Right About Bitcoin

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The "Wolf Of Wall Street" Says Jamie Dimon Is Right About Bitcoin

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

It never ceases to amaze me how people who are otherwise intelligent can have such gaping blind spots when it comes to the new and innovative.

Bitcoin is no fraud, any more than digital photography or the internet was. It just takes time before the masses can see the appeal of it.

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He is not intelligent — he is a crook endangered by bitcoin. It's his survival instinct talking.

What makes you think "being a crook" and "being intelligent" are mutually exclusive terms?

I didn't say they are mutually exclusive terms, I said that his remark on bitcoin does not have anything with intelligence, but with his corrupt nature. He is not intelligent. Intelligent man would have reacted in a different way.

An unintelligent man could not have gotten where he is.

Don't fall into the trap of believing that everyone who makes a stupid comment is automatically a stupid person.

An unintelligent man could not have gotten where he is.

Yes he could. Hierarchical matrix prefers, and indeed choose types that do not think but do what they are told. He is not intelligent, he is bought because he didn't have enough intelligence to do a honest job.

And now you're delving into simplistic romanticism.

You're watching a movie where the bad guys are all bumbling buffoons and the heroes are all super geniuses.

Once you graduate from the Disney school of economics, you'll realize one glaring truth: no one becomes rich by accident. The wealthiest people, no matter how corrupt, are always intelligent.

And the reason for this is simple: a fool and his money are soon parted. Always.

Whenever an imbecile gets a large amount of money (say, by winning the lottery) the money always disappears overnight. Money in the hands of idiots is like snow---it never lasts.

So yes, these corrupt Wall Street tycoons are intelligent. Intelligent enough to know that Bitcoin is a threat to their precious status quo. For you to assume that they're just a gaggle of idiots who had the reigns of power handed to them at random shows that you really have no idea how reality works.

Good luck with the rest of your movie. I hear it has a post-credits scene.

no one becomes rich by accident. The wealthiest people, no matter how corrupt, are always intelligent.

Wrong again. The system in which crooked means intelligent is crumbling before your eyes. Dimon wouldn't cry in public if he does not feel endangered with all his “intelligence”.

What a frightening and confusing world this must be for you, where any idiot can become a billionaire, and success is the result of some invisible random number generator that passes down contextless judgments upon the huddling masses, where luck alone determines one's ultimate triumph or failure.

I have noticed that the same hallucination is shared by many on the shallow end of the success spectrum. They cannot conceive that their own failures could be their own fault, so they throw up their hands and say that the successful are merely luckier than themselves, not smarter.

You say the Wolf of Wall Street is unintelligent? That any dimwit could get where he has gotten? Well, then why don't you do it? If any idiot can make millions of dollars on Wall Street, then it should be no trouble for a...*cough*...genius like yourself.

So why don't you put your own theory to the test? Be sure to let me know, once you're a multibillionaire. That'll sure teach me for thinking that getting rich is a difficult task that not everyone can do.

Have a nice life.