The next step to freedom invest your bitcoin profit to go off grid

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

A lot of us use Bitcoin or other crypto-currencies as a tool to create financial freedom the next step to enhance that freedom is to go off grid and enjoy the advantages of a simplified lifestyle

If you don't believe me, consider these wonderful benefits of having a simplified lifestyle

  • You have more time to enjoy your life.
  • lower stress and anxiety modern life is stressful. An estimated 75 percent to 90 percent of visits to America’s primary-care physicians are based on complaints related to stress.
  • Closer relationships by eliminating the non-essentials of your life, you will have time to re-connect.
  • Better appreciation of nature and beauty a simplified lifestyle offers us a new perspective on what is really important.

How to start a LIFE OFF GRID, just follow these Six steps

Step 1: Find a place

Choose a breath-taking place to live, finding land is easy it's everywhere and to find the perfect place you can look nearby or go extreme like we did and move from Holland to the wilderness of Tasmania.

To find your place you need to follow these simple rules

  • Look for a place where you have clean air, water, good soil and wildlife.
  • Look for acres, five acres are a good size for the property
  • There needs to be a constant source of water on the property a stream or a well also look if there is enough rainfall, so you can collect water from your roof.

Step 2: Build a house

You can build your entire home yourself as we did, or you can do portions of the work yourself

Do not build a house that is to big, a small house is easier to maintain, it's less expensive, Less time spent cleaning, and most important it has a Less environmental impact.

*Our place in Tasmania

We built a steel kit home of 72 square-meter and its perfect.

Step 3: Make your own free energy

You have to generate enough energy to provide for the energy needs of an average household, generated on-site with renewable energy sources, and a battery pack to store energy.

For the electricity production we combined some high-tech solutions that are delivering more electricity than a normal household uses, these systems are maintenance free and will last for decades, They are invisible and make no noises.

In our driveway we used photovoltaic road surfacing cells, these cells collect solar energy 20 square meters of these panels can supply enough electricity to power a single home we placed 30 square meters of these panels on a spot on our driveway that is sunny for the entire day and yes you just drive over them.

We also placed a small hydro-turbine generator system in the rivulet at the border of the property

Step 4: Create your own water supply

You need to collect enough water to provide for all the water needs of an average household, collected on-site by rainwater or well. And a sufficient large water storage to flatten the peaks and dips in rainfall.

Usually the primary source will be rainwater from your roof you can store it in a water tank, if you have a well you can use this for drinking water and use the roof water for the bathroom or washing machine

Step 5: Grow your own Food

For your food production you must combine a traditional and a high-tech solution that will produce more food than a normal household uses, so that you can swap your surplus food for stuff you do not produce like meat or cheese

Plant a small orchard with a diverse range of fruit trees, varieties of apples, pears, plums, quinces and berries, the selection will ripen at different times ensuring fresh fruit six months of the year you can make an effort to extend the season by drying, bottling and juicing.

For growing vegetables and herbs we used aeroponics growing techniques. In a 40 feet glass greenhouse that is computer operated we placed eight aeroponic vertical tower gardens, these six feet-tall gardens grow up to 28 plants a variety of Veggies and herbs like lettuce, tomatoes, basil, lemon grass, cucumber, beans, With 224 mature plants every three weeks there is surplus of food that will be used for food swapping

Step 6: add some luxury

Adding some luxury is essential and a natural pool is the greatest luxury, swimming in clear water, no chemicals, pure and natural. And after a swim you can relax at the waterside.

So we are off grid for two years now and we can recommend it, so join and bring the freedom in your life and enjoy it to the fullest

Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change. Stephen Covey

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