Work Together To Earn More Bitcoin

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Team work surely makes the dream work. Here is a team plan that will help each person to earn significant amounts of bitcoin.
You want to get in this team build - we have a perfect
strategy for us all ..
that is paying out huge - we will be stacking 2 to 2 each
with it ... The team build start now with this one then we
move up ---

This is the description of the compensation plan

Phase1- 2x2 move you up to the Bonusline1x2-line1
Bonusline1x2- line1 pays $40 and position you into the (Phase2-2x2)

Phase2 -2x2 pays $60 and position you into the Bonuslines2-1x2
Bonusline1x2-line2 pays $100 and position you into (Phase3-2x2)

Phase3-2x2 pays $150 with 4 Entry to phase1 and move you up to
Bonusline1x2-line3 pays 200 and position you into (Phase4-2x2)

Phase4-2x2 pays $250 with 4 Entry to phase1 and move you up
Bonusline1x2-line4 pays $300 and position you into (Phase5-2x2)

Phase5-2x2 pays $450 with 4 -entry to Phase1 and move you up to
Bonusline1x2-line5 pays $400 and position you into (Phase6-2x2)

Phase6-2x2 pays $1900 with 4 -re-entry to Phase1 & move you into Bonusline1x2-line6 pays $5000 and position you into (Phase6-2x2)

Phase7-2x2 pays $18k with 4 -re-entry to Phase1 & move you into Bonusline1x2-line6 pays $6500 Cash$$ Bonus

Join Our Team-Build Link One Team -One Dream
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