Genisis Mining Missing Payments AGAIN!!!

in bitcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

I hate to admit when I have been scammed. Genisis Mining sounds great, great pitch, you buy a mining contract and they take a maintenance fee. You should be paid daily (NEVER HAPPENS) under the contract. Genisis claims they were hacked and that happened 2 days AFTER I purchased two contracts from them.

The CEO made issued a statement on how everyone was paid back and the system was back to normal. They are advertising like everything is 100% BUT the last payments made (After not receiving payments for a week or so) were on the 29th. The users dashboard shows NO activity passed July 29th. Support tickets with this company are WORTHLESS.

The best advice I could give ANY young Crypto Currency investor is to STAY AWAY FROM GENISIS MINING!!!!

Here is a link to the reddit for Genisis where other users are having the same issues.

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But i'm mining ETH, why does that affect me ? BTW it's been MORE than 48 hours. No payment for the 30, 31, 1. That's 72 hours.

The contract is only enforced AGAINST you. Support is a JOKE!!

Yeah, the payouts are a complete mess... Im missing payouts from the 24th-28th, received a payout for the 29th, and missing the rest until present...

There's a 48 hour delay because of the Hard Fork.

So many excuses..................

I've had a contract since October last year, and I would have been better off buying Bitcoin and holding it, way better off buying Ether. YMMV

garthfreeman you hit the nail on the head! Buy some Crypto and be done with it! Genisis is going under because all scams fall apart at some point. Users reporting being scammed is at an all time high.

At least I didnt get ripped off like this guy!!!