RE: I Looked Into SegWit, and Here's What I Saw

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I Looked Into SegWit, and Here's What I Saw

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

Even without knowing anything about segwit, I can say with certainty that no good idea is ever promoted using censorship or divide-and-conquer strategies. Good ideas promote themselves, and all effort can simply be spent helping people understand them.

I don't entirely agree with this when it comes to "divide-and-conquer". Sometimes the structure of a company or community you're involved in is really poor and requires an overhaul. To avoid drastic situations occurring in the process of restructuring sometimes you can't be entirely upfront and honest or people will react too strongly and irrationally to new developments before you can reason out concerns.

The issue is good ideas don't always promote themselves. On the contrary, they can are often met by fierce resistance due to incompetence, lack of familiarity, fear of change, etc.

We're tragically flawed animals, and sometimes ethically frowned upon tactics are rather nessecary to salvage a sinking ship.

This may well not be the case with Bitcoin at all and it could be entirely corrupt with bad actors, I don't know the situation over at Reddit because I quit vising due to low quality content, censorship, and corporate take over.

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I 100% completely support people who say crap like "all segwit transactions can be spent by anybody with no proof of authorization." Being PERMANENTLY BANNED from /r/bitcoin, that's completely untrue and has needlessly mislead and scared people.