US Public Hearing On Cryptocurrency.

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Just finished watching this... I probably should of posted it while it was live.

For the most part this was really good. Lots of talk on regulation, taxation and the usual topics you would expect from government. However, for the most part the dialogue was very positive on cryptocurrency. If you have some time, and didn't watch it live, this is a really great gauge of what our lawmakers think about cryptocurrency, and what is coming in the future. For the most part... The Dood's bullish after seeing this, and the future continues to look bright for this new technology. Big government sees the future and knows cryptocurrency will become a part of daily life just as much as the internet is today!

Fast forward about 18 minutes in for the discussion to start.

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Didn't realize this was happening today. Thanks for sharing

Enjoy... Well worth the watch. For the most part the conversation was extremely positive!

Thanks for the update Dood!!

Sure thing.

This is great news...

Definitely bullish!

Yes :)

Thanks for the update! I heard about this yesterday and was meaning to look into it. What effect, if any, do you think this will have on price action going forward?
@bitsy :)

Considering how positive most of the hearing was, I'd imagine investor sentiment is very positive right now. Lots of positive news about institutional investors climbing on board too. Can only speculate, but I'd guess this should all have a very positive effect on pricing.