Is Money & Banking Good Or Evil & Bitcoin

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Is Money Good Or Evil & Bitcoin
what is money?
the fed prints close to 100 billion$ per month
is that really money?
What is this paper we carry around in our pocket
What does it represent
why do we use it
where does it come from
So money is a medium of exchange its purchasing power it allows me to buy staff i want.
So Lets tackle this through apophasis through negation
what did you do before there was no money?
not efficient not productive at all
because if your chickens are worth half a cow then you cant cut the cow in half since you want it alive
not a good way of exchanging stuff
so we needed to come up with something that facilitates the exchange between milk and eggs or cows & chickens
So We come up with this medium of exchange called money that facilitates these transactions. we used other things than money as a medium of exchange like tabacco in colonnial america or woks in china or precius metals.
all those mediums have one thing in common, They are limited because you dont want money to be plentiful or unlimited you dont want money to be easy to create.
Money in a free market is simply a medium of transaction or exchange
so how do we get money?
we get money by creating stuff by building stuff
we get money by being productive by being efficient by being innovative by working hard by providing a service in the free market a lot of people are willing to pay for,
and the more productive we are in a free market the more money we make.
So money in a sense is a reflection of our own productivity of the value our hard work has added to society. money is a reflection of our success.
In My Opinion money shoildn’t be your end goal because it doesn’t guarantee happiness
Most wealthy people still work because money is a measure of success
its proof of your contributions and the value you have added to society. Having money is also a sign of social status.
Money in a sense is a mechanism by which we exchange value for value
in a free market you become rich by providing a product your costumers want
by providing a product that improves their lives.
money is a measure of how good you are at satisfying your costumers wants and demands. Money is a measure of how valueable society thinks the service you have created is.
Money has been portrayed in almost every society around the world as the root of all evil.
Money is actually the opposite its the root of all good because its a tool society uses to measure one man’s contributions to te rest of the world.
its a way to measure your success and how the service you provide makes people’s lives better.
This is the essence of trade.
who loses in a trade?
Nobody loses its a win-win
you give me money for a product that will improve your life more than that specific amount of money you just paod me for it.
So If I give you 10000$ for a Car That Means I believe the car will improve my life more than the 10000$.
Money is a great thing because in a free market money is the facilitator of win-win transactions
we should celebrate people who have earned their money in the free market (and not through government scams ) because that means they provide great value to the rest of society.
so you want money to be something precious
something thats hard to come by
something tha can only grow so much
you dont want it to be plentiful or unlimited (BITCOIN)
you want your medium of exchange to have value that people will always want not just for money for example you can use gold or silver for jewelery or something like that
it cannot be something you will just throw away if you cant use it as a medium of exchange.
Now Why Does Bitcoin Fit Tt Criteria
Why Is Bitcoin interesting
bitcoin has the same traits or characteristics as a precious metal
it has limited supply (21 million bitcoins)
its released slowly it does not flood the market because its very difficult to mine
People are willing to accept it for transaction as a medium of exchange
bitcoins allows for transactions to be invisable in a time big brother nsa is watching. bitcoin ressurects the anonimity money used to have, before the federal reserve.
Now we all want money we all need money we all use money but deep down money makes us unconfortable people who pursue money as their goal are seen as selfish greedy self interested and we are very weary of them. And that attitude is reflected in society our culture has aadopted that attitude about money which is also perpetuated to young kids through the school and college system which is run by the government and it teaches kids to have
a negative attitude and a negative image towards people who become rich through the free market because free market capitalism is the main enemy of the government monopolies.
why is banking such a fucking mess of epic porpotions
its not because bankers are evil. its because we use the
government to regulate the shit out of them
since we dont trust people who want to make money.
now in america you havent had real banking
since the federal reserve was established and central banking took root on america in 1913 banking has been entangled with the government so much
that it is no longer its own industry. We don’t trust bankers or self-interested people who go after money so we get the state to regulate them to death.
i mean it’s a disaster banks are barely surviving and you have the
regulators constantly breathing down their neck. for entrepreneurs to thrive you need small banks and venture capitalists to provide them with capitals and small business loans so they can start their businesses. because no matter how great your idea as a businessman is without money it will never get of the ground. So without a free healthy Banking System free of government coercion you cant have a free market.
And let me touch on one of my pet peves a little bit. all you hear all day is DERIVITIVES you hear it from the schools colleges the fake news media
and that fucking zeitgeist movie. oh my god i fuking hate communist shithead peter joseph.
They all blame the 2008 financial crisis on fucking DERIVITIVES.
The crisis happened because Of The
federal reserve (GOVERNMENT) centrally planned banking (NO FREE MARKET)
1971 no gold standard (GOVERNMENT) unlimited fiat money printing (NO FREE MARKET)
and the 1984 too big to fail legislation (GOVERNMENT) which allowed big banks to take risks reap the rewards the profits and if those risks failed and they went bankrupt they would be bailed out by the tax-payers, so they didn’t invest their money properly. (NO FREE MARKET)

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