The complete shutdown of exchanges is just a small part of Bitcoin's imperfect form

in bitcoin •  3 years ago 

Chapter 1 I have almost no comrades-in-arms

There are many people who are short on Bitcoin in China. I have a good relationship with me. Those who have been in contact recently and are willing to tell the truth are all shipped. It can be said that I have almost no comrades in arms.

A shipping friend came to me and invited me to dinner. One of them said, "Just order the most expensive, don't order the best, just the most expensive. Lao Tzu is financially free."

I did not sell. This friend said that I really have faith, but I don't have faith, but I think that Bitcoin itself is not perfect. Today's setbacks are just one point in imperfect flaws. But I don't invest in Bitcoin because it is a perfect thing, but because it does one thing right, we'll talk about it at the end. Let me first explain why I was able to drop from 30,000 to 18,000 in this round, but I didn't even sell the coins in my hand.

Chapter 2 We always fantasize about a perfect thing

My first job was to work in a state-owned enterprise, and it is always easy to work in a state-owned enterprise, you know. But I work hard, I don't want to be so idle. So I went to various departments to mix, which department has something to do, I go to which department, it happens that the leadership is also very accommodating. I have been to the production department, the mobility department, the research and development department and the workshop.

After going through so many departments, I found a basic fact that employees in almost every department have a lot of grievances, and can point out countless bad things and bad things. Really, countless, 8 hours a day at work, at least 4 hours can say that this is not good, that is bad.

At that time, I also felt that this kind of enterprise would definitely go bankrupt, certainly not. It has been more than 7 years since I left that company. As a result, people are still alive and there are more and more factories.

My second job was in a private company, and I also went to four departments, the design department, the production department, the project department and the R&D department. Haha, the same, people in every department said that they were bad, and everyone can point out a bunch of problems with the company and hate it.

I have left this private company for more than 3 years, and they have also been listed on the NEEQ.

My colleagues in both companies are telling the truth. Really, they are all sincere. They have no faith in the company sincerely. The company does have a lot of problems. But why can the company get better and better?

In the past three years, I have begun to study a lot of investment. I found an opinion spread on the Internet that the original shares acquired by internal employees of a listed company tend to be sold quickly. The income from the original stock that most employees receive cannot outperform a professional investor in the secondary market. (Of course those founders and professional VCs are of course different)

And these employees who sell their own stocks will never chase up their company's stocks. They would rather buy the stocks of a company that they don't know about than to deal with the company's stocks that they sold in the early days, even if they have risen 100 times later.

This view is completely in line with the facts. Internal employees are more likely to see unreasonable phenomena in the company. The employees of this company have the least confidence in the company.

It is reported that the employees of Tencent, Alibaba, and Baidu quickly sold off their original shares, and they did not get hundreds of times the profits.

However, what ultimately frustrates these employees who have acquired the original shares is that their company's success is not at all because of its shortcomings, but because it is right in a certain aspect.

Chapter 3 The objective fact is the imperfection of this world

We humans are always like this, imagining that something is perfect. But in fact, there is really no perfect thing. The imperfection of this world is an objective fact.

This is a fact, and there is really no need to talk about it.

So in the two companies I worked for, all the complaints from my colleagues were correct, because the companies had a lot of problems. But this will not hinder the company's sustainable development and sustainable and healthy growth, as long as the company can do something right.

Those employees who sold off the original shares of the company they worked for prematurely, and those employees who would never buy the stock of their own company, they saw the shortcomings of the company are objective facts. But what can be done? The company's stock should rise or have to rise.

The root cause of the companies that ultimately failed must be that they did nothing right and did everything wrong.

Bitcoin is not perfect, it also has a lot of problems. For example, users are unfriendly and used for money laundering. China completely bans exchanges...

There are a lot of problems with Bitcoin anyway, but it doesn't matter, because Bitcoin did one thing right.

Chapter 4 Bitcoin's Most Valuable Value-Enhancing Capital Freedom

People desire freedom. We all want to move freely, get free employment, and play freely, and realize our value in free choice and free action. People want to retain freedom of movement even if they stay at home all day long.

Capital, as an important extension of human freedom, dreams of freedom as much as humans themselves. Bitcoin has greatly increased the freedom of capital.

Bitcoin has promoted the freedom of capital in two ways. One is to break the borders of currency and allow capital to flow unimpeded in the world. As long as there is a network, Bitcoin can be reached freely.

The second is to improve the efficiency of capital flow. In the fiat currency world, efficiency is very low. For example, if you have 2 million in your bank card, and you go to the bank to withdraw 1 million, the teller will ask you to make an appointment to come back tomorrow. If you want to transfer money abroad, it will take more than three days to wait. Regardless of how much you transfer and where to transfer Bitcoin, its efficiency can be completed in about 10 minutes on average. This greatly improves the liquidity of funds.

The more free the capital, the higher the efficiency of capital use, and the more likely it is for the flow of assets to reach all corners of society.

The principles behind Bitcoin's endowment of capital freedom are very complicated, such as decentralization, cryptography, economic incentive design, currency design... But no matter what, it does it.

Bitcoin has done this, well, even if it has a lot of shortcomings, what about it. What if it is completely banned from trading? I am not afraid of you.

Chapter 5 Investing in Bitcoin is enough to do one thing right

The first time I bought Bitcoin was 4250 yuan, and then it fell to more than 900 yuan. But I didn't sell it. Then in 2016, the bull market came, and when it fell and rose to 4000, my relatives and friends asked me to sell. I said not to sell. They said, you sell it, and you can buy it when you fall back.

When it reached 6000, I was told to sell it again, but I said not to sell it. They said again, you sell it, and then buy it back when it drops.

When it rose to 8000, I was told to sell it again, but I said not to sell it. ...

Rose to...

Yes, if I can sell at a high point and buy again when the correction occurs, then I will have financial freedom a long time ago. Perhaps the one who says, "Order whatever you want, just order the most expensive", and that person is me. I admit that I missed all band operations. It is a mistake to miss these opportunities. This is an objective fact. I admit that I have made too many mistakes in investing in Bitcoin.

But what can be done? If I keep holding coins, this is correct and it's OK. As long as I do this thing right, I have made all the errors in band operation, so what can I do? Investment behavior cannot pursue perfection, and we cannot ask ourselves to earn every wave. That's what the gods did.

Even in pursuit of successful operation on most bands, I can't do it. Because I knew that I was not good at copying, in order not to hurt the right thing, "Holding coins all the time", even if it succeeded with an 80% probability, I didn't want it either.

And this year I missed all the gains of altcoins, and missed all the gains of ICO coins. These, really, I didn't make a dime. This is all opportunity cost, all my mistakes. But I accept it, and I forgive myself.

Because I think imperfection is an objective fact.


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