Question of the day: Does anybody use one of these Pay-to-Click websites?

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

I've seen a few ads for them recently, so I figured, I should give it a try, not much to lose right? So about 10mn later and a few clicks, I "own" 0.003 mBTC (I say "own" because I will need to accumulate at least 0.1 in order to be able to withdraw and fully own it). At that rate, it'll take me quite a few years to become not even rich!
I am thinking, if I do that in my spare time, meaning when I have nothing else better to do, I'm not really wasting my time, but yeah...
Does anybody have had good experiences with that kind of "revenue"?

(I don't want to promote it, but I do have a referree link if anybody wants to try!
Seriously, I won't put it anywhere else, so if you are curious about it do follow that click but otherwise feel free to happily ignore it!)

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