I saved up some STEEM and finally I was able to try STEEM -> BTC swap today!
I have done a few @swap.app posts already so it is pretty much the same how it works, but before I trade my STEEM, one quick comparison.
100 STEEM -> BTC estimate
SteemScan 0.0008669 BTC
@swap.app 0.001699 BTC
STEEM -> BTC swap
Go to wallet page. https://steemitwallet.com/ and "Transfer"
Send STEEM to "swap.app" and put "btc your BTC addres" in the memo and complete the transaction with "Private Active Key"
(use "#" sign before btc address if you want to encrypt your btc address)
That is it! My swap was done in a minute.
The actual amount that I received in my wallet was 0.00156006 BTC 👏👏👏
Now I know both BTC and ETH trades really work well on swap.app and very fast!
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