Flexible Transactions; first code published.

in bitcoin •  9 years ago 

I've blogged before about Flexible Transactions (steemit)as a simpler codebase that could solve the problems that BlockStream has been trying to make SegWit solve. With new issues being found in SegWit even though its now already 5 months over date and more than a year in development, I think its time to take Plan B more seriously.

So this week I started work on Flexible Transactions and I managed to implement the loading and saving of such transactions in Bitcoin Classic. See; https://github.com/bitcoinclassic/bitcoinclassic/pull/186

There are various other steps to make in order to come out with a shippable solution, but this is a large first step that should help tremendously in continuing work. And naturally to show that work is actually happening on the Flexible Transactions hard fork.

Tl;Dr. A simple more clean and future-ready solution for many future Bitcoin problems, including the malleability issue, is being written as an alternative to SegWit. Because its good to have choice.

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