Bitcoin Popular Amongst Students In Top Universities

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

High cryptocurrency adoption rates in university students, courses offered

Image source: pixabay - DariuszSankowski

The latest survey conducted by Coinbase shared thoughts of students on cryptocurrency and the blockchain. Positively, 21 out of the top 50 universities now offer at least one cryptocurrency related course to their students.

When David Yermack, the finance department chair at New York University Stern School of Business, first offered his course on blockchain and financial services in 2014, 35 students signed up, eight fewer than the school’s typical elective.
By spring 2018, the number of enrolled students climbed to 230.
Source: Coinbase

The promise of the migration of current existing financial data to blockchain-based organizations is the future that we are preparing for. Yermack is paving the way for the future generations to enter the finance industry with blockchain knowledge. Other industries that require blockchain-based applications would also see an increased demand for job employment.

Currently, Stanford University, Cornell University, University of Pennsylvania and the National University of Singapore, are offering 5 or more courses related to cryptocurrencies.

There is high growth potential for blockchain technologies in United States. Singapore, one of the fastest growing countries in South-East Asia, is no stranger to the blockchain. A high research demand in blockchain technologies would probably follow.

“Blockchain combines theory and practice and can lead to fundamental breakthroughs in many research areas. It can have really profound and broad-scale impacts on society in many different industries." says Dawn Song, a computer science professor at University of California, Berkeley.
Source: Coinbase

Image source: pixabay - thelester

Business, economics, finance, and law departments have the most crypto classes taught, and students see demands in the additional cryptocurrency knowledge welcomed in their future careers. In a survey of 675 US students, about 10 percent of the students have already taken a course on cryptocurrency.

"New payment systems – or asset classes – do not emerge overnight but it is worth noting that the concept of money has evolved – even in our lifetime – from cash to digital or contactless payments," said Dr Zeynep Gurguc from Imperial said.
Source: TheIndependent - Anthony Cuthbertson

Online learning sites are also offering more cryptography courses to train the next wave of blockchain developers and skills required in many companies worldwide. One such course is “Become a Blockchain Developer”, an Udacity nanondegree program to provide job-ready skills.

Student often set the trends of the future, looking back at the internet and social media successes today. The maturity of the blockchain, from research to commercialization, takes the path of any emerging technology. Emerging markets would follow to reach the masses.

All the progress made for the development of the blockchain technology, as Duke’s Harvey says, “blockchain is not going away.”


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