Bitcoin reached to almost $7900 today, astonishing for what the price was 7 years ago.
2010 - $0.003
2011 - $13
2012 - $266
2013 - $340
2014 - $440
2015 - $540
2016 - $780
2017 - $7,800
It has had some dips in between the years but as you can see, bitcoin's value for the most part has grown a vast amount.
(Wikipedia contributors. "History of bitcoin." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 8 Nov. 2017. Web. 9 Nov. 2017.)
Please read and vote if you like the article below , the CNBC link bitcoin- underestimated, my fellow crpytonians!
Is bitcoin going mainstream faster than anticipated or is it still going to take a while? I know they say, we're in the fetal stages, but whose not excited about the incredible revolution?