Looking for Antshares Price Predictions ? Perhaps just speculation?
Well Antshares is China's first public blockchain. They had a very successful ICO last September (2016) and are having another one August 1st. What do they do? Think legal documents, escrows, copyrights, and digital assets on the blockchain other than cryptocurrencies. Watch my video for a little insight, and make sure you subscribe to my channel on http://youtube.com/ethereumevangelist
I purchased ANS Antshares around $6 all the way up to $9. At the time of this article it seems poised to break though $12, and I'm really hoping to wakeup tomorrow morning to see it at $30. Who knows.TO ME ANS IS A STRONG BUY
To stay up to date on buy signals, ICO's, and cryptocurrency insights subscribe to my channel on youtube, find me on Facebook, IG, Twitter, and wherever else. http://youtube.com/ethereumevangelist
Yours truly,
Ethereum Evangelist aka Cryptodamus