Brain Wallet Keep your brain inside your brain

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

If your petquin's safety keeps you awake all night, it's time to find out the safest solution. The trading platforms are porous, smart phones can be damaged at any time, and hardware wallets can also be lost. So the best option to keep your petquin is your brain purse.

Bitquin inside the brain
Betquin is thought of as a digital currency. So you can not spend without having an online offline, but you can store it in a conservative. Hence, you can get a purse in the brain, which will be the only 100% safe Betquin safe from attacks and damage. When you die, this wallet will also die with you. Creating a brain purse is simple, once you save the wallet's wallet expressions. For those who ultimately want privacy and confidentiality, it is possible to save the wallet address as well. In this way there is no paper or digital place that connects your own currencies in person. There are many reasons why you might want to create an invisible wallet. This solution is appropriate for those who trust their memory more than they trust a third-party technology.
How to Create Your Brain Wallet
To create your own portfolio all you need is a portfolio that generates the SEED addresses. Where there are "Electrum", "Armory", and "Myclium" offer this to you, in addition to, a generator of petquin titles. Which shows the storage of Betquin in your brain by remembering random words expressing the secret title of the currency of the Betquin. Where an address is created in your browser, and no information is ever sent to the site server.

You can refer to the Github website for instructions on how to act with caution if you decide to use a brain purse. There is not much to do when it comes to creating a brain purse, but it is important not to use any previously existing phrase as your own passphrase. People have created a code through which to search for millions of portfolios, and to try to use known phrases against them. So use a random sequence of words, and to ensure real randomness, allows you to drop any file in the text box. So that your browser performs SHA256 fragmentation and uses the checksum as your own passphrase.

How to remember your passphrase in your memory only
The simplest way to ensure that passwords are never forgotten is to type and store them in a very safe place. If you're traveling to another country, you can leave a backup at home if you can not remember your password. But if you do not want to write, and you want to keep the password in your memory just remember and remember very much. To do this, you will need to create a memory palace. This is by taking a familiar place for you - perhaps your childhood home - and building a visual sequence by inventing a certain story through which you remember the pass phrase. Creating a brain purse may seem exaggerated, but as long as you're able to remember your passwords, this ensures you stay away from hackers. At a cost of $ 0, this is certainly cheaper than a laptop.

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LOL!! I totally thought you were going to suggest we install bitcoin chips into our brains... I was like, WHAT?? LOL, you mean memorizing it, right?

Haha is a kind of advice and at this time the proliferation of digital currencies and the many preoccupations of life has become a weak man of some kind in remembering things and why not carry out a simple operation in the head and put a storage slice.

Oh, so you ARE suggesting an implant? That's preposterous... Or terrifying, if nothing else...

In the next fifty years the science will reach the implant and I have read in an article there studies on the replacement of the heads and I am against this idea.


great post...
‘Tis the season to wish one another joy and love and peace. These are my wishes for you, Merry Christmas our dear friend, may you feel the love this special day.

Good try killing my rewards you worthless moron! I've got plenty of accounts to swap out!

Thank you very much

Thank you for your sweet words and I sincerely wish you good health, success and success in your work and a new year full of love and peace.