Will Bitcoin Cash Be More Valuable Than Bitcoin In A Year?

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

Within 24 hours, most Bitcoin holders will also have an equal amount of Bitcoin Cash, but which will be worth more in a year?

Let me know in the comments your thoughts and which one you think will be worth more on August 1st 2018. Who do you think will win after they fight it out for a year?

For me, I really hope that Bitcoin stays the top dog and the market is not disrupted much.  The logic behind the Bitcoin Cash is solid, but the longterm effects could be damaging to the entire crypto market. I hope that Bitcoin will be around $4,000 next year while Bitcoin cash will be around $500.

For me, it is worth it to claim and hold my new Bitcoin Cash, but I am not counting on the coin really taking off. If it does, that is great, but I think Bitcoin will retain it's top dog status.

What do you think?

Let me know which one you think will be worth more next year. If you want to be bold, make a price prediction. 

(all gifs from giphy.com)

I would love to know what you all think.

Thank you for reading and responding.

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My amateur guess...BTC remains on top long term, but will take an initial 10-15% drop in price tomorrow. BCC will drop initially by people selling off early thinking they are getting "free" money. But I'm just guessing.

I bet you are right. I think there will be a big sell off of BTC and and BCC, but do you think people will buy other coins or cash out? If it loses 15% tomorrow but I gain 15% new value in new coins, that seems ok to me. Hell, only going down 15% doesn't seem much when I've seen BTC drop 25% in a day for no reason. lol

@walkingkeys fingers crossed! @walking keys they are both crypto currencies and Bitcoin has more value. However, BCC might easily become the choice currency for payment traded by most people simply because it is free and available because, it is cheaper to acquire than BTC, and the massive spend of BCC would also trigger its rise into at least $1000 in a year's time at most $1300.

That is a very optimistic outlook but I don't see any fault in it. It is going to be a wild ride, but incredibly interesting. Thank you for your valuable feedback. You got a new follower.

I have no idea how to predict the short term prices of BTC and BCC, so I am just going to hold onto both for a long time, at least until the situation becomes clear. Your question is certainly on everyone's mind. Thanx!

nice post ♥
good luck

Thank you!

I personally think BTC itself will stay on top. Hmm, the future is really unpredictable in the cryptocurrency world!

I think the term unpredictable is an understatement, lol. I agree 100% It's a wild ride. Thanks for your feedback.

like john mcaffe said the other day, jihans coin is the one that will go to 500k

I agree with john long term, but in the next couple months I think itll be btc that grows a lot.

That is interesting, but I bet you are right. We'll see what happens. You got a new follower.


I remember when eth split and etc came around. The sentiment then was that etc would die or etc would prove itself the real eth. Neither really happened and etc has survived and eth is continuing nicely. Now this situation is very much different. I haven't looked much into bcc but if it has utility I can see it having staying power. Speculation wise I think we can expect big moves. I held onto my etc for awhile before selling for minor profits. I'm going to stay neutral on bcc

I think you are a wise person. You make a great point Ethereum and it's split. I can't wait to see what happens here. You got a new follower.

Hey, hey.. new to how to do wallets.. I had to do a bit pay so may not get to have the fun of free coins.. I think BTC will continue to do well... I believe it is all in the name and Bitcoin Cash is a good name for people to be attracted to crypto.. no matter how stoned or medicated..they will know what the word cash means. haha

One of the guys I listen to literally thinks it's going to crash and burn; and that most people will simply sell it off for altcoins and more btc :: from what I've heard that is.

That seems very likely. It could happen that way. I've heard a few people say that as well. Thank you for your input