My Thoughts On Bitcoin

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

so welcome everybody
this week and for those of you that are
watching us on the actual podcast I want
to say welcome to all of you whether
you're watching on YouTube whether
you're watching on the actual podcast
app whether you're listening whatever
the case may be look we're gonna talk
about an important topic today and that
is Bitcoin who's interested in Bitcoin
right now look at people already by this
by that right you guys yeah there's
already activity going on how about
Instagram you guys interested in Bitcoin
and my thoughts on Bitcoin at least not
that I'm right or wrong but I'm just
gonna give you my thoughts so I'll tell
you where this started guys there there
have been a ton of you that have been
asking me about this and I've been
getting messages all week long and quite
honestly for about the last month on
Facebook and on Instagram and you know
the reality is I'm gonna be perfectly
honest with all of you my answer has
always been a yeah I just wasn't paying
attention to it and I'll explain to you
why that was my answer in a second but
really I guess where this comes from is
that I am so focused on what I am doing
and to be quite honest with you I
already have my plan for creating wealth
and I already have my businesses that I
own and run that I wasn't really paying
attention to Bitcoin and I don't know if
that was ego I don't know what it was
but my constant answer was just out of
sight I don't mind I don't need to worry
about that stuff right well what
happened was enough of all of you out
there kept asking me for my opinion on
Bitcoin that I thought it started
thinking to myself well maybe I should
like look into this thing maybe I should
maybe I should think about it I was
never once interested in investing in it
and that doesn't mean that I didn't tell
you all that in a second as well but if
I'm really started to open my mind up a
little bit and it started to make me
think well let me let me take a look at
this right and so here's what we're
gonna do today
I think this is gonna be an interesting
perspective for you on on what you do or
not do with Bitcoin but not just Bitcoin
how many of you guys are interested in
creating more wealth in give me a
little thumbs up if you're watching on
Facebook on Instagram if you're if
you're interested in creating more
wealth or put I'm interested or put me
right let us know let us know put me on
your Instagram or your Facebook feed
right now if you're interested in
creating more wealth okay good good a
lot of you it looks like you are right I
think that's what is is the biggest
concern for people it's how do i improve
my finances right how do I earn more
money how do I create more wealth and
how does this Bitcoin thing play in the
overall plan or in the overall scheme of
things and that's what I'm going to do
and I'm going to share my thoughts with
you on that while also sharing my
thoughts about what I actually did with

Bitcoin why I did it
why I didn't do it and what I expect to
get out of it okay so let me start off
by saying the following the initial
reason why I had zero interest in
Bitcoin and I had zero excitement about
Bitcoin and I had zero excitement about
cryptocurrency or to be honest with you
I still don't have any excitement at all
whatsoever with any cryptocurrency let
me explain to you why principle number
one if you're taking these notes the
greatest generator of wealth and income
and the absolute best investment that
you can ever make is in yourself that's
that's bare bones people that you need
to understand the absolute greatest
investment that you can make and quite
frankly the only investment that I make
is in myself and I'm gonna explain to
you why I mean by that I'm not even in
the stock market to be honest with you
guys and here's my thinking right I have
enough billion dollar ideas floating on
in my head I've got enough that I want
to do with my career
in business I've got enough that I want
to grow I am nowhere near done as a
matter of fact is gonna be an
explosion for us right that when you
think about it why would I invest in
another company when I can invest in the
one company that I know for a fact is
going to give me the greatest return on
my investment and that is Danny Morrell
Inc or Roger Prasad Inc or Chris Mulder
Inc or whoever Inc your name is right
that is the greatest company that you
can invest in now listen I'm very
conscious of the fact that some of you
are thinking well shit I'm not that
confident then let's dive deep into why
you're not that competent people listen
to me right now parents listen to me
right now several of your kids are
literally asking you for light coins or
bitcoins for Christmas don't buy it for
them buy them a book matter of fact I'll
tell you which book to buy them by and
thus buy them the science of getting
rich by dr. Wallace wattles buy them the
greatest salesman in the world right buy
them unleash the power within by Tony
Robbins buy them the resilience roadmap
by Danny Morrell buy them books right
the way you all are going to get wealthy
and the way you all are going to
increase your income and the way you are
all are going to allow yourself to
provide for your family what you really
want to provide for them because damn it
this is what it's all about
it ain't about Bitcoin and in about
litecoin it in about ether rum or
whatever the hell it's called
it's about somewhere inside your heart
and soul you feel like you're missing an
opportunity and let me tell you right
now the answer is you % are the
opportunity is in building yourself up
as a stronger human being the
opportunity is in reading books that
will make you better at whatever it is
that you currently do the opportunity is
in attending seminars and events that
will teach you and sculpt your mind and
literally transform your mind into a
mind that will help you to see the
opportunities that you have
in front of you every single day I don't
care who you are I don't care if you're
an employee I don't care if you're a
business owner I don't care if you run
two businesses I don't care what that is
I'm telling you what I see everybody do
and that's that instead of looking right
where they are they want to look
somewhere else for the answers I see
this all the time with real estate
agents I coach trained real estate
professionals I'll take a real estate
agent who sells ten fifteen houses a
year true story this actually happens
houses a year in our area that's
about $ a year give or take in
income right and they ask me hey Danny
I'm ready to start my own company wait
wait wait wait a minute hold on a second
hold on a second or I'm ready to build a
team and I say wait a second hold on a
second why don't you get sales a
year why don't you get sales a year
or you get sales a year why don't
you get sales a year why don't you
get to a hundred sales a year and make a
million dollars a year because let me
tell you there is nothing stopping you
from doing that and the answer never
comes out guys the answer is that we're
not willing to pay the price as
individuals we're not playing willing to
pay the price as human beings we're not
willing to pay the price to develop
ourselves we're not realing to invest in
ourselves we want the quickest most
exciting easiest way to wealth and
prosperity possible and I'm here to let
you know that that just doesn't exist it
just doesn't exist I'm gonna challenge
each and every one of you in you
will do better not just for your
pocketbook you will do better for your
future you will do better for your
family you will do better for yourself
if you look at what you're currently
doing right now whatever that is
whatever that is I don't care if it's
Nick holding the camera I don't care if
it's Lauren helping me out I don't care
if it's you as a real estate
professional I don't care if you own a
restaurant what's stopping you from
maximizing that restaurant what's
stopping you from growing into two
restaurants what's stopping you from
making it three what's stopping you from
advancing in your company what's
from being so valuable so valuable to
your boss or to the person that that has
hired you that he has no other choice
but to improve your wages and to help
you improve what it is that you want to
improve that's the real question you
gotta ask yourself the problem is nobody
thinks like that we live in a microwave
society and everybody wants something
exciting everybody wants something fast
everybody wants something quick if you
want to mine anything
mine that you Inc make you better make
you better at whatever it is that you
are currently doing okay that's step
number one step number two all right
let's say you invest in Bitcoin and
let's say it goes up in your portfolio I
don't know if you guys have ever thought
about this but it takes money to make
money in this world
let's see your portfolio goes up and it
goes by up by five thousand bucks ten
thousand bucks
whew fifteen thousand bucks twenty
thousand bucks
whoa-ho thirty thousand bucks that
doesn't excite me at all at all why
because I have actual businesses that
can make me that in a week in a month
and as fast as I decide to make that
happen I can go out and bless with the
fact that I'm in the real estate
I understand real investments I
understand how to buy properties I can
go buy a property with my money the same
money I was gonna use I can go buy that
property and get myself a hundred per
turn percent return on my investment so
why would I that doesn't really excite
me it's not exciting to me in any way
shape or form why because I've been for
years people working on myself risking
when people don't don't want to risk
learning how to invest in real estate
learning business because I've been
mining Danny Inc so while the rest of
the planet is getting excited about this
Bitcoin stuff guess what I don't give a
shit it doesn't excite me at all I'm
excited by the team I'm playing on I'm
excited about the game I
playing in right now that's what's
exciting to me and the game that I'm
playing right now is worth way more than
they get than any game that way more
exciting than anything that that can be
going on because I've been playing it
for so long and I know it guys and I
stayed tried-and-true to the game that I
decided to play in or let's take it to
another level I could which I currently
do I could buy a piece of property
without my money I can remodel it and I
can sell it and now the return on my
investment is what Nick if I didn't take
any of my money what's the return on my
investment guess what it's infinite it's
infinite and I can go do of
those this year which we will do this
year and the return on my investment is
infinite but let me tell you something
right now guess where this game started
this game started years ago when I
was an individual real estate agent and
I had saved up a little bit of money and
I went asking everyone in my office hey
do you guys want to partner up you guys
want to partner up hey anybody and
everyone was chicken everyone was scared
everyone didn't want to risk everyone
kept running away from me so I decided
to do by myself
and then I figured if I could do one a
year why not do two and if I could do
two a year when I do three if I could do
three a year why not do five if I could
do five a year why not do ten if I could
do ten a year when I do you get the
picture I found a game that I was good
at and I maximize my potential in that
game so when the rest of the world is
getting excited about stuff guess what
it doesn't excite me that much I mean I
wish I would have got excited about
Tesla I wish I would have got excited
about Google I wish I would have got
excited about Facebook to be honest with
you that's not the game I play so it
doesn't excite me and as a result of
yeah maybe I missed out on those
opportunities but I'll tell you what the
game I've been playing for the last
three or four years that has blessed me
way more than anything I could have
invested or wrist in something like that
principle number one if you're gonna
mine anything mine you invest in you
read books principle number two if you
want to get excited about a rate of
return get it excited about a rate of
return on what you know on the knowledge
that you know principle number three
guys it's it's it's very very simple you
got to learn to keep track of this stuff
you got to learn to keep track of this
stuff and you've got to work every
single year of your life to improve I
see this people I'm personally

responsible for plus Realtors and
now a community online of close to
on Instagram and on
Facebook and the goal is simple I told
my media agency this year we're gonna
get to a hundred thousand followers on
Instagram and Facebook or we have failed
and when I say I'm responsible I feel
like I'm responsible that's just the
type of human being that I am is I want
to help that many people cuz I don't
believe it I know it I see it every
single day of my life that I'm awake
people are living in mediocrity and I
think that for the most part people are
sick and tired of living in mediocrity
the reality is is that they just they
just don't know how to break out of it
they just don't know how
break out of it and so I'm gonna teach
you how to break out of it a vision
we're gonna cover this guys I want you
to improve your standards I want you to
have a standard where every single year
you improve there is not one freaking
year that I've been in business that
I've gone backwards or that I've stayed
stagnant not one other than what I went
through what I went through financially
where we lost everything why is it a
standard and unfortunately what I see
every single day some of you guys look I
love you so I got to tell you the truth
unfortunately what I see is that the
people's standards are so low that the
minute they start doing a little bit
better than what they're used to guess
what they either kind of coast there or
hover there improve your standards how
much will you grow your income how much
will you grow your sales what are you
willing to do in order to grow it what
is the plan if you're gonna grow it will
you need to hire staff if so what kind
of staff if so for what for for what
positions if so what is going to be the
job description if people this is your
I don't know if you ever thought about I
think about this on years old like if
I'm gonna do it if I'm gonna get as big
as I'm gonna get it's right now it's in
this next decade it's in the next ten
years that means I go all Lynn's I mean
to hire a media agency that means I put
an advertising budget we've got over
$ set aside just just for that
why cuz we want to dominate this space
because we're intent on growing and the
only way that you grow at that level
people is if you learn these baby steps
guys I'm gonna challenge every single
one of you give me a little baby step
right now type it in if you're watching
on Instagram or Facebook by how much can
you grow this year is it by units is it
by income is it by possibility is it by
lifestyles that are but is maybe a new
home for your family I don't know but
whatever you did in guess what it's
over it's gone stop patting yourself on
the back about it because in the big
scheme of things it ain't shit
the real
industry I'll tell you guys that's the
biggest problem we have we get so
excited because we make $ or
$ in the big scheme of things
that's it's nothing
you only get excited by those numbers
when your family your neighborhood and
the people you were surrounded with made
fifty or sixty thousand dollars so in
perspective you think wow I'm making it
big in the big scheme of things you've
only just begun you've only just begun
so I'm gonna challenge you really if you
were to increase your standards if you
were to improve your standards if you
were to say from this point forward in
my life
Thank You Roger for responding if you
were to say in this point forward in my
life I will no longer go backwards or I
will no longer stay at the same level
that I was at in the previous year by
how much will you force and demand the
growth right those two words force and
demand the growth oh my god but those
words they're so mean my mom would say
that all the time don't be so mean Danny
she would she would try to tell me don't
be so aggressive but she would say don't
be so mean I don't think it's mean I
think it's truthful force and demand for
I'd rather force things in my life and
demand things for myself than to have
other things demanded upon me that I
can't handle I'd rather be in %
complete control I'd rather use words
like damnit I'm gonna force this out of
myself I'm gonna demand this for myself
than to be left victim to me not being
able to pay my bills or me not being
able to support my family I'd rather use
tough hard precise words like force and
a man than to be a victim to anybody
else's circumstances so look if you're
watching right now some of you are
thinking what the hell does this have to
do with Bitcoin the answer is everything
because bitcoin is is not the game the
psychology is a game the mindset is a
game your standards are a game that's
the game bitcoin is just a little tool
and for some people yeah I mean listen
I'll tell you here's my thoughts on
Bitcoin I'll tell you right now if you
were there at the Bear
a couple years ago when the thing just
got started I'd be excited if I were you
too cuz you were right there at the
beginning you're excited right now
here's what I did it took five thousand
bucks there I'll tell you what's five
thousand bucks absolutely nothing if it
all goes away tomorrow it's play money
people do not invest anything in this
stuff that isn't your play money don't
count on this don't count on creating
wealth from it don't count on it
changing your life don't don't do any of
that you change your life mine you Inc
develop yourself develop your mind
develop your capacity to grow
financially develop your business if
you're gonna invest in this stuff just
take a little play money for you I don't
know what the play money is for you
maybe it's a hundred bucks okay fine if
you want to it's it's literally I want
you to think of it as blow away money
like if it goes away who cares and then
you buy it and then guess what I did I
got this software I don't even know how
it works to be very honest with you I
got this software and in the software it
just mines all these coins or whatever
and then it starts being paying me
dividends that's a I don't know I just
let the thing play for me and whatever
it does it does but let's talk real if
bucks turns into to be honest
with you guys I was better off spending
that energy and that time on my business
I'm only doing this so I could know what
the hell is going on so when you guys
asked me I can give you an honest answer
that's it I'm literally just investing
money to help all of you with with all
of your goals if you're counting on this
to change your life if you're getting
excited about it if you're counting on
this to make you wealthy let me tell you
right now is there a possibility for it
yeah there's a possibility for a lot of
things to happen I don't put my faith in
my stake and my future or my family on
possibility I put my faith
my future in facts and the fact is is
that I'm proud to say and hopefully
eventually you're proud to say I'm proud
to say that I've attended more seminars
I've memorized more sales scripts I've
invested in more opportunities in
businesses I've learned more about
business and I and I've risked more than
then then a lot of people and as a
result the only thing that I'm confident
in when it comes to building wealth and
financial freedom for my family it's me
it's me and that's my recommendation for
all of you can anybody else say that
give me a little yes give me a little
yes that's me that's me give me a yes
that's me because if that's you then you
know exactly what I'm talking about for
your children if they want Bitcoin or
they want to find out about it if they
want to learn about it get them a book
I'm telling you some of these books this
is where I tell everybody you guys send
me messages all day long some of some of
your stories are our heartfelt I can
tell you right now invest $ it's the
best stock you'll buy I'll tell you
right now $ a month on this thing
called audible audible go invest
dollars a month on audible go pick one
book a month as a matter of fact if you
want hack message me I'll tell you the
book to get I just mentions three books
to buy right away at the beginning of
the year if you want to make a real
investment in yourself start attending
seminars if you want to start if you
want to ask who seminars I don't know
but I got one coming up in January
that's gonna be pretty damn good and the
dates for relentless are already set go
you'll see all of the dates for the for
the events this is our first big year in
business and we're excited about it
because we were literally gonna take
over the entire space when it comes to
personal development and we're very very
excited about it
there's my thoughts on on Bitcoin I'm
gonna open up for some questions because
I always do when I go live Lauren do we
have any questions we might not cuz I
mean even let you know that that was
gonna happen for those of you watching
us on the podcast thank you so much for
all of your support on the podcast I'm
going to go live with these guys right
now spend

  • minutes answering all their
    questions if you don't want to miss a
    live session go follow me on Instagram
    or on my Facebook page or join our
    Facebook group Empire builders until
    next week's episode take care bye bye
    alright Facebook and Instagram questions
    Amer says thank you you're welcome
    questions questions ah
    that's dumb any questions at all
    brian says property coin baby
    real-estate is as safe as a most
    profitable investment smart man not a
    good time to buy right now them right
    now it's about patience the long game
    saving that money questions on Instagram
    you have any plans to come to Texas or I
    believe you're saying New York Brian my
    plan listen Brian if you don't know me
    that long I have one plan and that's to
    take over the whole freaking planet my
    first target is to become the number one
    trainer in real estate sales that'll be
    the number one target and then I'm
    coming after Tony Robbins so the answer
    is yes there I said it we're we're we're
    this Staples Center is getting sold out
    this is what is happening so am i coming
    to Texas if you've got a group that
    wants to hear me yeah absolutely out
    come to Texas so the plan is to go to
    the whole freaking planet yes alright
    here's what I'll do oh and the live
    session and I'll stay here on my
    computer and if you have any questions
    just go ahead and I'll be happy to
    answer them if not I hope this helped I
    hope this brought your perspective as a
    matter of fact let me ask you all a
    question what's one thing you learned
    from today's video if you could give
    back to me in this way I would love to
    hear what did you learn
    post it or where were you challenged
    where were you challenged from this from
    this live session post it here below and
    let's continue the conversation for
    about the next or minutes until
    next time guys take care and we'll see
    you later bye bye Bianca my next event
    is January th and th it's a two-day
    retreat let me help you right now it's
    two hundred and twenty nine bucks in the
    big scheme of things when it comes to
    investing in yourself the answer is that
    is so ridiculously affordable that I
    can't imagine that's all I'm charging
    but the ego will try to take tell you
    it's a lot of money and the drive and
    the gas get there January th and th
    you can go to Empire you calm for its
    last vision
    I say
    book is my book because I wrote it and
    because I hadn't I never thought I'd
    write a book but outside of my book the
    book that had the greatest financial
    impact on my life is the one minute
    millionaire if you don't know my story
    my net worth was negative thirty thirty
    four thousand dollars and I went from
    negative thirty four thousand dollars to
    a million in net worth in one year
    because of that book so look up the one
    minute millionaire it's old
    I was written a couple years ago but
    that's the book that I would recommend
    favorite book Braveheart is my favorite
    movie that or the samurai what's it
    called the last the last summary what
    else that's it all right Instagram I'm
    gonna hop over to Facebook answer some
    questions over there thanks for
    participating for all of you guys come
    in to vision we'll see you there take
    care bye bye
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Thank you, Allah sonumuzu hayır etsin :d

thank u mr. suat :)