Which direction is bitcoin heading!!

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

that was close, almost hit 3000 today but then it went back down a little, what a today. For those of you who are new to this, all I can tell you is clam down and relax, it is normal for the price to come back down sometime so it can climb up again. I have a strong feeling that it will reach 3000 sometime this week. there are many chinese investors who buying alot of bitcoin right now. that should drive the price mush higher. but becarefully everytime the bitcoin reach a new high then i will fall back down again. if you are in it for a long turn then there are nothing you should worry about but those of you who are trading it daily, good luck. to you~

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I was just having this discussion with my SO. I think its a long term decision. Hang onto those coins

i agree with the long term idea. cause i hate it when i have to keep checking on the price. it's like a roller coaster.
