Bitcoin Technical Analysis: Shorts Drop 41% in 60 Seconds

in bitcoin •  6 years ago  (edited)

After a failed second attempt to break above, Bitcoin remains below the $8,450 resistance. Daily volume is currently hitting another all time high, just above $34 billion.

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Short positions have dropped nearly 41% inside of 1 min. In other words, 1 person liquidated a ton of shorts. Strangely enough, it happened on an insignificant candle, and barely effected price at the time of execution.

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In today’s analysis I discuss what a drop in shorts might mean to the market, key areas to watch, where my buy orders are waiting and so much more. I hope you find it helpful.

Video Analysis:

If you don’t see the above video, navigate to TIMM ( or Steemit in order to watch.

I hope this has been helpful. I’d be happy to answer any questions in the comment section below. Until next time, wishing you safe and profitable trading.


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Feature Image By: Saul Gravy

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That is crazy how far those dropped with not much change in price. I'll be patiently waiting to see what happens.

I'm told Bitfinex allows people to "claim" instead of closing their positions if they choose to. This keeps it off the books while not affecting price. If that's true, it's shady as hell IMO.

Yeah I just watched your new video. What a crock of shit!

Many thanks for the update!

My pleasure @hoppe. Thanks for stopping by