RE: Bitcoin Napkin Math: BTC = $821,105 (try this yourself)

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Bitcoin Napkin Math: BTC = $821,105 (try this yourself)

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

You made an excellent point in the video, don’t remember the exact words, but essentially I took from it that countries will get tired of using the currency of another country as a reserve. If that currency is deflating or inflating or otherwise unstable, then even more so.

This could be a major catalyst that would be a boon for HODLers.

The other side of the coin is that if countries are shopping for a replacement currency, it would be in their best interest to investigate that currency and find out who, if anyone, controlled the currency.

The massive mining control that China has over Bitcoin will surely play a major role in this discussion, if it ever comes up. Who knows, maybe a lot of countries would happily trade American financial overlords with Chinese financial overlords, given the supposed anti-American sentiment that is published here and there. But I don’t think China has a good shot here in the public court of opinion. I think there’s a better shot of some alternative crypto being proposed by some Nation State or the UN than bitcoin, being influenced via Chinese Miners, being accepted.

Then you have the approximately 1 million bitcoin owned by Satoshi Nakamoto, an unknown actor. Being unknown is a feature but all that bitcoin would be a threat to most countries.

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