Get Your PLR Tokens at the ICO

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Most anticipate ICO of the Year

The PLR token by the Pillar Project is on sale 'right now!' As crypto currencies like Bitcoin go mainstream, more regular people are looking into buying virtual currencies which may well be taking over the dying American dollar that is being rejected in many places around the world. As the criminals that control central banks of the world, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the Bank of International Settlements engineer a currency 'reset', one can see that the flight to protecting your own hard earned wealth may surely be in precious metals like gold, silver and crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.

Here is where the future of transactions and the tools to build the structures of seamless, trustworthy online ledgers lie. The companies of the future are now crowdfunding for new projects to create more things that work and run on the Blockchain. We are talking about ICO's. ICO allow new companies to develop on 'Blockchain' technology and grow in a safe and productive environment. With the average joe able to buy crypto currencies like Bitcoin and the world's paper fiat money fast becoming worthless, investing cryptos during ICOs / crowdfunding for new upcoming companies running on Blockchain tech will give every single person and I do mean everyone a chance to become a wealthy. Right now the few rich elite families that run our planet want to terminate 98% of the earth's population through tools like cancer causing vaccines, flu shots, super bug creating antibiotics, toxic mercury filled silver coloured amalgam dental fillings, fluoridated water, geo engineering toxic sprays, GMO foods. And crypto currencies will give 'the people' of the world an escape from the clutches of criminal families like the Rothschilds, Clintons, Bushes, Rockefellers, the Queen of England, the Vatican, the City of London, the European Union, the United Nations, NATO, NASA, the World Health Organization and the American Medical and Dental Association, as these Khazarian Globalist groups set us up for a failing currency system.

There are many crypto ICOs coming out at this time. Many chances of all to get into the game and invest into a brighter future. The ICO by the Pillar Project stands out as a trustable and very involved company. Please take a look at their web page and invest now with your Ethereum virtual currency into a new future for all.

My advice to many is not to leave too much cash in the bank as the criminals will try to devalue your currency and lock you out of your own bank account, safety deposit box, ATM, and credit card ... as they try set off their engineered financial collapse by upping the interest rates and printing even more, soon to be worthless paper Monopoly money backed by 'nothing'.

Watch this interview by JSnip4 with Pillar Project's Founder David Siegel

Make sure you get the right wallet before you go into the ICO or your tokens will not get to you. DO NOT purchase tokens with a wallet on an exchange exchange.

USE or Meta Mask to purchase Pillar tokens.

  • Only send Ethereum to the 'contact address' in red colour, indicated on their webpage today.

Be very careful of scammers impersonating the Pillar Project team as many have lied on twitter under the name of PillarWallet using capital i's for letters 'L' to deceive people. For security, people need to actually type out each letter for twitter account '@ pillarwallet' or on your browser ~

Pillar: The Wallet

Pillar Project explained

Let interested friends and family know of the crowdfunding for the PLR token by the Pillar Project so that many can be a part of this new tech privacy locker, a bright future away from the criminals who control the world's bankers and the Federal Reserve.

Get Your PLR Tokens Today! 😊

Check here after you've sent your Ethereum to see all the lucky people who got in on the Pillar Project ICO

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