How To Earn Bitcoin?

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

C6Dmj_412828_dd2da3a257caf9777602bdb9cba55bf3.jpgThere are lot of ways of earning online like faucet websites offers claims through traffic e and other much ways like,complete tasks watch videos,watch ads,mlm buy coins and mining.

But today i am going to show a simple method no mlm no tasks its very easy to earn here its ad company which name is adbuzz
i will tell you about it today.

ADZbuzz / ADZcoin

ADZbuzz Ltd.


ADZbuzz is a content discovery platform that rewards its users and web publishers in a cryptocurrency called ADZcoin, which is digital money similar to Bitcoin. The project aims to solve numerous problems for various groups of people, such as:

•Web Publishers – lost revenue from ad blocking software

•Advertisers – Increased advertising cost because of loss of trust from customers

•Regular Internet Users – Lower user experience because of aggressive advertising

•People Raising Funds – Solely focusing on out of pocket donations

By integrating a reward scheme into a centralized content discovery platform using a decentralized cryptocurrency, we are able to tackle all issues for all groups mentioned above.

More Info about The Problems We Are Solving

The ADZbuzz / ADZcoin project aims to solve multiple problems for various groups of people. In order to better understand the scope of the project we will first of all list all these problems.

Problems For Web Publishers

The ad blocking issue for publishers is real, and according to a study conducted by Pagefair, the total revenue that publishers have lost because of it in 2015 amounted to 22 billion dollars. This is mainly because ad blocking has gone mainstream and the amount of users grew by over 40% in just 1 year.


Probably the worst of all is the fact that there is no viable alternative for the ad-supported web available at the moment.

The only solutions presented at the moment revolve around “annoying” visitors who have an ad blocker installed.

There are 3 main strategies that are currently being tested by web publishers:

Anti-adblock scripts

There are numerous scripts available that offer a solution to block ad-blockers. However this is a cat and mouse game which can’t be won by any provider of these scripts. As soon as a script is detected the community blacklists the provider, who in return creates a new script to let ads pass through.

This clearly isn’t a permanent solution and destroys a publishers brand completely. On top of that there are already multiple solutions to eliminate the anti-adblock scripts.

Blocking adblock users

Some sites have been testing an option to block visitors who have an ad blocker installed. This simply means that visitors with an ad blocker installed aren’t able to access the site and are asked to turn it off before continuing or before using certain features on the site. A study conducted by Forbes has shown that only about 42.4% of visitors with an ad blocker effectively turned it off when they were presented with this in order to continue to the site.


Now in any other situation it would be completely absurd to assume that losing over half of your audience is anywhere near a good result. This just shows how big the problem has become for publishers and why a solution is urgently needed.

Make content paid

The final solution to the ad blocking issue currently presented is to make premium content paid and make money this way. This doesn’t require

advertising as a revenue stream as the paywalls are the main source of income for the publishers.

This is probably the best solution so far, but the problem here is that people are so used to getting the online content for free that it is not an easy sale, especially for sites other than the big newspaper companies with a huge amount of daily readers.

Here’s an overview of a survey conducted to find out how adblock users respond when denied access to a site:

It’s clear that the current “solutions” aren’t nearly solving the problem.

Adzbuzz will offer the first all-in-one solution for everybody involved.

Problems for Advertisers

The people that pay the web publishers to create high quality content are companies promoting their products. As the problems for the web publishers increase, so do the problems for these advertisers. Below is an overview.

Banner Blindness

Through the years, the click through rates of banners and other types of advertisements that are mingled with content have been going down

significantly. In fact, the average click through rate of banner ads is only 0.06% (source: Display Benchmark Tool).

On ADZbuzz we highly believe in content marketing. ADZbuzz is a content discovery platform that allows users to curate content from just about any site in the world, so we will encourage companies and set up our ad server in such a way that they will be able to create different types of ads, even superior to the native advertising ads that partially solve the problems for advertisers.

Fewer high quality advertising opportunities

Since there are almost 200 million internet users that use ad blocking software at the moment, the scarcity of high quality ad spots increases. On a centralized platform that offers high quality content related advertising, it is much easier to convince users to turn off their ad blocker. Especially since the amount of ad views plays a role in the value of ADZcoin, the cryptocurrency the ADZbuzz users are rewarded with.

Therefore ADZbuzz has created a reward scheme for people that turn off their ad blocker and login to the site once a day.

Lower Return on investment

Because of the increasing scarcity in high quality ad space in combination with an increasing ad-block usage and banner blindness, the return on investment of advertisers is getting lower and lower. That’s why a new system needs to be created that helps advertisers retain the value of their investment. With this type of system the pressure to attract website visitor’s attention lowers and advertisers can use a less aggressive type of advertising.

To create a system like this we give advertisers the chance to deposit ADZcoins into their ADZbuzz ad wallet and give them ad credits in return. Instead of accepting the ADZcoins as a form of payment (similar to any other ad network), the coins remain 100% owned by the advertisers and can be withdrawn from the ad wallet at any time. This essentially makes ADZcoin (apart from being a cryptocurrency that can be used to accept payments) an asset that represents part of the ad space on the ADZbuzz network.

Loss of trust with customers

All the issues for advertisers not only have a financial impact but also a long-term effect. Aggressive and attention grabbing advertisements rarely have a

positive effect on a company’s reputation. According to the 2017 adblocking

report conducted by Pagefair, 38% of all ad block users associates online ads

with malware and viruses. (Source: )

. It’s difficult to measure the damage that aggressive advertising campaigns are doing to the company’s reputation. We do believe however that something needs to be done to restore the trust between advertisers and the people they attempt to reach.

The old system is broken and needs to be replaced by a superior one. ADZbuzz will not only centralize advertising and reward people for engaging with content and ads through the daily login bonus, but also improve the quality of ads without having to resort to privacy-invading tactics.

Problems for website visitors

Advertising companies are doing whatever they can to grab user’s attention. This has resulted in serious decrease of user-friendliness of many sites. The proof that there is a serious problem is simply the fact that ad block usage is growing so fast.

More aggressive advertising

The Pagefair report makes the conclusion that it’s not advertising in general but certain aspects of how digital advertising is delivered that annoys website visitors. Especially the advertisements that interrupt the visitor to grab their attention cause people to install ad blocking software. And there are also the issues with privacy invasion caused by tracking software to deliver more targeted ads. These type of ads not only lose their efficiency but also cause the loss of trust in the companies that pay for the them, the opposite of what advertisers pay for in the first place.

On ADZbuzz we aim to deliver ads that are an extension of the content that is being shared on the platform. Therefore it’s not needed to ever track users because all the content is listed in categories already. The simplest form of targeting is by category and language, and advertisers will be able to choose the category and language to display their ads in. This makes it unnecessary to gain data that invades the privacy of the users.

Lower User Experience

Just about all ad block software users indicate that they dislike video or audio ads that auto-play. While this is an obvious observation in terms of lowering the user experience, a more interesting one is that 77% of ad block users that were surveyed by Pagefair indicated that there are some sort of ads that they deem acceptable.

At ADZbuzz we believe that we can increase the user experience by removing tracking software that follow users all around the internet, and creating an ad format that actually increases the user experience. This could be a sequence that users appreciate:
Person visits ADZbuzz

He clicks the category “Health”

On this page a banner ad is displayed redirecting to a quality article explaining the working and benefits of a health-related product

Content marketing is growing rapidly and 75% of marketers are increasing investment in it (Source: Curata). We believe that this fact along with centralizing advertising is the key to restore trust between advertisers and website visitors.

Problems with crowdfunding

Ever since Kickstarter launched a platform that made it possible for individuals and startups to raise funds for creative projects, crowdfunding has been growing year after year. Because the online world is so connected, it’s relatively easy to set up a crowdfunding campaign and raise funds from a number of people. ADZbuzz has created a system that provides a superior model for certain groups of people to raise funds.

Requires a large number of donations

The first problem is the fact that raising funds requires a lot of eyeballs to generate a decent amount of money. Crowdfunding is not only raising funds from the crowd, it’s also crowded. In other words, the level of competition has grown so much over the years that it’s not easy to start a successful crowdfunding campaign without a serious marketing budget. At the moment the success rate, after serious vetting from the Kickstarter staff before even listing the projects, is only 35% (Source: Kickstarter Stats). This means that nearly 65% of the projects doesn’t reach its funding goal.

On ADZbuzz we are using the content discovery platform along with our daily login bonus and earnings platform to help raise funds for certain groups of people. This means that instead of keeping the login bonus, people will be able to instantly donate some ADZ every day for logging into the site and reading related news. This along with the opportunity to earn more on ADZbuzz Titan, the central earnings platform of the ADZbuzz project.

Paid in fiat currency

Once funds are raised on for instance Kickstarter there’s not only a hefty fee to pay, but the funds are also paid in fiat currencies instead of cryptocurrencies. That leaves out the element of value growth. If you look at the long-term chart of the top 100 cryptocurrencies, it’s clear that the majority of them have seen an exceptional growth compared to the Dollar value.

ADZcoin is the perfect cryptocurrency to raise funds in because of the way the system is set up. The combination of free donations (there is no need for fans of projects to donate out of pocket money) with the fact that donations are paid in a limited cryptocurrencies makes this a superior business model that will benefit certain groups of people.

Introduction To ADZbuzz

In order to create a solution for the problems of the various groups of people mentioned, we need to create a platform that not only centralizes advertising, but also serves as the starting point of millions of internet users. ADZbuzz is a content discovery platform that allows anybody to curate content similar to how content is curated on, namely by posting a link into the ADZBuzzer field. In order to encourage people to start their daily journey on ADZbuzz we reward anybody with free ADZcoins just for logging into the site once a day. These rewards are paid in ADZcoin and the profit used to distribute comes from various external revenue sources that ADZbuzz continuously sets up.

At first glance this might seem like a simple reward based scheme, but the power of added value and having a website that becomes the starting point of millions of internet users every day cannot be underestimated. ADZbuzz is unique in the sense that it doesn’t just aim to become one of the major players in the social media landscape and eventually sell the company to shareholders during an IPO. It aims to become a major player in the social media landscape by sharing its profits to solve issues for just about any internet user.

The ADZbuzz Profit Share

At the core of the ADZbuzz solution for the various groups of people lays the ADZbuzz profit share. The idea is to set up multiple external income streams and share profits of those products and platforms with ADZbuzz users and Web Publishers. In order to create a fair system for everybody involved we have set up the profit share the following way:

Regular Pools:

1.Publishers using the ADZLink - 40%

2.People referring publishers to ADZbuzz - 5%

3.Community Owners - 5%

4.Members Pool 1 (Active Members) - 6% (earn by logging in to ADZbuzz every


5.Members Pool 2 (Active Referring Members) - 24% (each active member you refer qualifies you on this pool)

6.VIPs Pool -- 10%

7.Sponsors Pool -- 10% (your referrals earnings on pools 3,4,5 and 6 qualifies you a share on this pool).

We have made sure that the publisher’s share is big enough to distribute a good amount of ADZcoins to them, and added some features in the ADZbuzz profit share that encourages others to spread the word.

ADZbuzz Income Streams

Now that we have gone over the ADZbuzz profit share it’s clear that we need to go over the income streams of ADZbuzz next. After all the profits need to come from somewhere. We first want to stress the fact though that ADZbuzz is the central platform and has very few income streams. It is however the platform that will have a huge user-base as our aim is to have millions of people login to ADZbuzz every day, and from that user-base we can start to populate the other platforms and grow the project and profit share exponentially. Below is an overview of all those income streams. (Please note that not all features and platforms on the list are functional yet at the moment this whitepaper was published).

Income Streams On ADZbuzz
Web Wallet Fees – 0.5% fee on every withdrawal

ADZbuzz Exchange – 0.5% fee on every trade and withdrawal

ADZbuzz Pay – 0.5% fee on every transaction and withdrawal

Buy Referrals – Option to get referrals by letting us promote your link

External Income streams
ADZbuzz Titan – Allowing users to earn from 20+ different opportunities

ADZbuzz Services – Micro-job marketplace earning on every transaction

ADZbuzz Tifostarter – Crowdfunding site for football fans to create tifos

ADZbuzz Savers – Price comparison site earning on every sale

ADZbuzz Shops – Platform focusing on ADZcoin accepting merchants

ADZbuzz Hosting – Offering hosting packages to website owners

ADZbuzz Publishers Platform – Offering acceptable ads to ADZbuzz publishers

ADZbuzz Site Market – Earning fees from people buying and selling websites

ADZbuzz Digital Market – Earning fees from people buying and selling scripts/themes

ADZbuzz Freelancers – Connecting project creators with freelancers

Please note that this is just a temporary list that will infinitely expand. This way our profit will grow exponentially along with our user-base to ensure all people that benefit from our project will receive a good amount of ADZcoins on a daily basis.

ADZcoin Introduction

ADZcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency similar to Bitcoin. This means that the market will always determine its value since the coin can be traded on the exchanges. Here is an overview of its most important features:
Ticker: ADZ

Algorithm: X11 Proof of Work

Total Supply: 84 Million Adzcoins

Target block time: 60 seconds

Block Reward: 40 Adzcoins

Block Reward Halving: Approximately every 12 months (first after 526K blocks)

Difficulty retargeting using the multipool-resistant DigiShield

What exactly determines the value is supply

What ultimately determines the value of ADZcoin is what determines the value of just about any tradable asset, namely the law of supply and demand. If the demand increases and the supply decreases, the logical result will be an increase in price. That’s why we have decided to use our own cryptocurrency because we can set up things in such a way that it will facilitate the solving of the problems mentioned in this whitepaper.

ADZcoin Gradual Price Increase Factors

In order to help us solve the problems for web publishers, advertisers, regular internet users and people raising funds, it would be suitable that the price of ADZcoin gradually increases. That’s why we have set up our project in such a way that it facilitates the growth of the ADZcoin value compared to the Dollar, Euro or any other fiat currency value. Below you’ll find a list of several factors that will help us achieve this. Please note that it’s not one sole factor that will make this gradual price increase happen, but rather a combination of all factors combined.

ADZcoin is a limited asset with block reward halvings

As mentioned in the ADZcoin introduction, ADZcoin is a limited asset as only 84 million coins will ever be created. At the moment of writing there are about 51 million ADZcoins in existence and new coins are created daily. After the first block halving which happens at block 526K, the block reward will halve from 40 to 20 and so on. This will lower the reward for miners which should have a positive effect on the price.

ADZbuzz Indirect Donation Feature

ADZbuzz has created a burn address called the indirect donation address. This is an ADZcoin address without public keys, meaning the coins in this wallet address can never be withdrawn. This is the address we are talking about:


And here you can see how many ADZcoins were sent there already on the

ADZcoin block explorer:

The function of this address is as follows::
ADZbuzz buys ADZcoins on the exchanges

50% of the coins are sent to the profit share

50% of the coins are sent to the indirect donation address

So essentially, with every daily profit share 50% of the total profit will be sent to the indirect donation address first. This will effectively lower the total ADZcoin supply and will ensure that the price gradually rises because of the deflationary nature of ADZcoin.

ADZcoin Increased Demand From The Profit Share

As mentioned earlier, the main purpose of the ADZbuzz project is to increase the company’s revenue so we can increase the amount of profit we can share. This will help us to solve the problems mentioned in this whitepaper faster. Therefore we will continuously add more income sources and expand our existing income streams.

Even though several income streams will earn the company Dollars, we will use those Dollars to buy ADZcoins on the exchanges, effectively increasing the demand of ADZcoin. A higher demand for ADZcoin on the exchanges will be one factor that will help to gradually increase the value of ADZcoin.

ADZcoin has intrinsic value

Advertisers can deposit coins into the ADZbuzz ad wallet, publish their ad in the ADZbuzz adverts manager and get ad views on the ADZbuzz platform in return. This means that every ADZcoin has intrinsic value because it can be exchanged for ad impressions, something advertisers pay billions of Dollars for elsewhere.

The intrinsic value of every ADZcoin, which means the Dollar amount advertisers pay for the same amount of ad space on other advertising networks, can be determined by a simple calculation. Here is an example:

In this example, the advertisers will get over 3.7 million ad impressions over the course of 10 years if he stores 1 ADZ in the ADZbuzz ad server. For this, at the rate of $0.50 he would pay $1,866.97 on other advertising networks. On ADZbuzz the advertisers retains his investment because he can withdraw his 1 ADZ from the system at any time and exchange it to Bitcoin or any fiat currency.

We can also adjust these metrics, in this case we changed the timeframe from 10 years to 25 years of ad impressions and then the result is this:

If the time-frame increases, so does the intrinsic value of every ADZcoin. His because in these 25 years the advertiser will receive nearly 85 million ad impressions, something he would pay well over $42K for on other ad networks.

ADZcoin Market Makers

The above factors combined should drive the value of ADZcoin upwards gradually. The supply will decrease, the demand will increase and ADZcoins can be used by advertisers to cut their advertising budget drastically. All of these factors make ADZcoin not only a great coin for advertisers but also for investors.

The final factor that will determine the price increase of ADZcoin is big investors who see the potential of the coin and invest in it to make a profit. Because ADZcoin can be exchanged for ad impressions on the ADZbuzz network at any time, effectively giving it intrinsic value, it makes the coin an interesting investment. The logical result will be an increased demand on the exchanges, which in combination with a decreasing supply will push the value upwards.

It’s also fair to assume that ADZcoin can be seen as a safe haven in the crypto space because there will always be a constant and increasing demand. This avoids the forming of bubbles that could crash the price overnight.

ADZbuzz Solutions for Web Publishers

By now you already have a clear overview of how we will solve the problems for web publishers and the other groups of people we’ll go over later on. If we go to the root of the issue for web publishers, then we realize that unwanted advertising in between content that also tracks people with every move simply isn’t something regular website visitors want. So in order to create a sustainable solution we need to create something completely different. Here’s the basic idea of how we can create a sustainable alternative:
Create a plugin which adds a small non-intrusive icon on websites

Centralize advertising on a content discovery platform

Make this plugin pay publishers the same way they get paid from regular ads

Use a cryptocurrency that gradually rises in value to pay publishers

Let’s take a closer look at all the features we offer on ADZbuzz that will help publishers solve the main problems they face.

The ADZlink

The ADZlink is a small and non-intrusive icon that appears on the publisher’s website. Here you can see an example of this plugin in action:

This little plugin which comes in a Wordpress plugin or simple code redirects to the ADZbuzz main platform so people can join the ADZbuzz community of the site they are on. This effectively helps the website owner grow their community on ADZbuzz and helps them get more ADZbuzz referrals which increases their daily revenue.

ADZbuzz on the other hand benefits from the ADZlink icon to increase brand awareness (the icon is visible and scrolls along on all pages of the site) and to grow the ADZbuzz user-base.

The ADZlink Wordpress plugin can be downloaded from the ADZbuzz Publisher page.

Here the publishers can also get the code in order to add the ADZlink in the position that they want on their site.

The ADZlink Profit Share

The ADZlink tracks the amount of visitors and interactions it receives and uses several metrics to determine the earnings of web publishers. So it works essentially very similar as t how regular ads determine the earnings of publishers, except that the tracking has no reference to advertisements. The only tracking that happens is when people click the link to ADZbuzz in the popup that appears when clicking the ADZlink icon, because that’s the ADZbuzz referral link of the publisher.

As explained earlier, publishers get 40% of the total profit made by the ADZbuzz project, distributed based on amount of impressions and interactions with the ADZlink, every day. All profit is sent in ADZcoin but is shown in Dollars on the publisher’s dashboard in the ADZbuzz earnings wallet as seen here:

Because the payments are made in ADZcoin, the Dollar value in the publisher’s dashboard will fluctuate according to the current ADZ/USD exchange rate, making it likely for the value to grow gradually (according to the factors mentioned earlier). This means that were publishers earn pennies or Dollars from regular ads, they will earn a multitude of that amount if they hold ADZcoin and sell them for Dollars later on.


ADZbuzz is a content discovery platform, so it’s a place where people can find interesting articles based on their interests. In order to post articles on ADZbuzz, publishers can use the ADZbuzzer, which will post their articles in the particular category on the ADZbuzzer timeline:

The ADZbuzzer works very much as the social share feature of other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn and allows publishers or regular ADZbuzz users to share content on the ADZbuzzer tab on the ADZbuzz homepage. Here you can see how that works:

The ADZbuzzer also comes with an actual share button which can be installed on any external website and which has the exact same function as the ADZbuzzer present on the main platform.

The ADZbuzzer comes in the form of a Wordpress plugin and website owners can put the social share button on any post or page using a shortcode. The ADZbuzzer Wordpress plugin can be downloaded from the ADZbuzz Publisher page.

ADZbuzz Communities

This feature has the potential to help web publishers out a lot in terms of growing their audience. As mentioned earlier, their visitors can instantly join their ADZbuzz community through the ADZlink sign-up. But ADZbuzz communities also give ADZlink-powered websites the chance to grow their audience from within the ADZbuz platform itself.

Since ADZbuzz is still in beta at the moment of writing this white paper, we still welcome feedback on this feature of the ADZbuzz platform to help improve the benefits for website owners and regular ADZbuzz members alike. Here is an outline of the functions and how people can benefit from ADZbuzz communities:

Website owners need to install the ADZlink to activate the community feature for their site.

ADZbuzz members can either request or create a community, depending whether or not the site already has the ADZlink installed they will own the community.

If they requested the community they will be able to follow the progress in the “requested communities” page as seen below:

In case the website owner decides to add the ADZlink to their site, there will be an option to instantly create or claim the community in the requested communities page or the ADZlinked sites page.

Community owners (who can’t be the publisher himself) will be able to earn daily rewards for managing the community. We have created an algorithm that examines the activity and spam and this will be the factor as to how the community owners earn from the daily profit share.

For website owners this is also important because the same algorithm will partially determine the earnings they get from the ADZlink.

Website owners can either assign or remove the community owner. So if somebody isn’t doing anything for the community of the site owner he can replace ownership. If the site owner installs the ADZlink he can also assign a community owner himself.

New content posted by the site owner will automatically appear in the site’s community through the ADZlink plugin or script.

ADZbuzz communities have really great potential to create a lot of value for website owners. There are numerous benefits:

They don’t have to put in much effort to have a community managed for them.

They can grow their audience on 100% autopilot.

They will increase their earnings further as their audience grows.

They can get feedback on their content from their loyal audience.

It’s a win-win for site owners and their visitors because both will get daily rewards from the ADZbuzz profit share.

We believe the communities will become a major factor in the growth strategy of ADZbuzz (more about that later) and will focus heavily on perfecting this system.


We briefly explained the ADZnouncer feature, which is an integrated script in the ADZlink Wordpress plugin that automatically publishes new posts of the publisher in their communities.

If the website doesn’t use Wordpress and therefore can’t install the Wordpress plugin but instead must use the code for putting the ADZlink on their site, ADZnouncing can also be done on the ADZbuzz Publishers page.

ADZnouncing new or existing content in the site’s ADZbuzz community can be done by either the website owner or the community owner.

The Role Of ADZcoin For Web Publishers

The main problem for web publishers is a loss in revenue from the same amount of ad space, this due to the increased usage of ad blocking software. This combined with a decreasing value of ad space caused by banner blindness drastically lowered the income of website owners and businesses making a living selling their ad inventory.

Because of the factors mentioned explaining the gradual rise of ADZcoin Dollar value, publishers can recoup a lot of this loss by simply holding on to their ADZcoins for a certain period of time.

Better yet, publishers can store the ADZcoins the earned from the ADZlink in the ADZbuzz ad wallet and get free advertising space on ADZbuzz and related sites to promote their newly published content. This means that they essentially earn free ad impressions, which they can cash out for fiat currencies at any time. We are positive that smart publishers will make full use of the benefits offered to them in order to grow their audience and revenue at the same time. This makes ADZcoin a much better solution for the ADZbuzz project than getting paid in Dollars or any other fiat currency.

ADZbuzz Solutions For Advertisers

Advertisers are seeing the quality of their advertising go down and even experience loss of trust from customers. That’s why on ADZbuzz we have developed a system that will not only ensure advertisers can promote their products or services for free, but also ensure they see a higher engagement rate than any other type of advertising out there.

The solution we present is offering the same quality of advertising without the need of tracking people, and offering this ad space for free by putting this ad space on the ADZcoin blockchain.

The ADZbuzz Ad Wallet

So how do we put all the ad space on ADZbuzz and its partner sites on the blockchain? Here’s an overview of how that works:

Advertisers can deposit ADZcoins in the ADZbuzz ad wallet and advertisments in the ADZbuzz adverts manager.

The system calculates how many ADZcoins every advertisers has in his ad wallet and the amount of ad impressions ADZbuzz is serving every 24 hours.

The system automatically distributes the ad impressions evenly based on the amount of ADZcoins the advertiser has in his ad wallet.

With this system we can ensure that every ADZcoin has intrinsic value for advertisers as long as their coins are stored in the ad wallet. And more importantly, we can ensure that advertisers can advertise for free because they always have 100% access to the coins they deposited.

This not only makes the ad space free for advertisers because they can withdraw the same amount of coins at any time, it also gives them the opportunity to earn while they are advertising.

Let’s check out a simple example which explains how this would work:

Part 1: Advertising for free:
Advertiser buys 100,000 ADZcoins.

20 million ADZcoins are stored in the ADZbuzz ad server which effectively gives the advertiser 0.5% of all ad impressions on the ADZbuzz network.

ADZbuzz serves 100 million ad impressions per day.

Advertiser receives 500,000 ad impressions per day.

As you can see, by depositing 100,000 ADZcoins in the ad server the advertiser will receive about 500,000 ad impressions every day, something that would cost him about $250 per day at a cost per 1000 impressions of $0.50, which is a low estimate. The difference on ADZbuzz is that the advertiser retains 100% of his initial investment, meaning he can withdraw and sell his 100,000 ADZcoins from the ADZbuzz ad server at any time.

Part 2: Withdrawing the price rise to make money while advertising
ADZcoin rises 10% in value every month.

Let’s assume the amount of ADzcoins in the ADZbuzz ad server remains the same.

In order to earn 10% of his initial deposit and retain the same amount of ad impressions daily, the advertiser needs to withdraw 10% of his coins and sell them on the exchanges.

As you can see in this scenario the advertiser would not only get as many ad impressions forever from his initial investment, and earn 10% of that amount every month by withdrawing the coins that gained value. So if his initial investment is for instance $10,000, he could withdraw $1,000 per month and still remain the same Dollar value of the ADZcoins he has in his ADZbuzz ad wallet.

Another option would be to simple retain the ADZcoins in his ADZbuzz ad wallet and grow the amount of ad impressions he receives on a daily basis.

ADZbuzz Solutions For Regular Website Visitors

The main problem for regular website visitors is the intrusive and privacy-invading advertising that publishers (have to) put on their website to earn a living. This results in the usage of ad blocking software, something the publishers actively fight at the moment resulting in pay-walls or straight out bans from certain websites if you use ad blocking software. ADZbuzz has created a system that benefits regular website visitors and helps publishers at the same time.

High Quality Content Discovery Platform

ADZbuzz is a content discovery network where anybody can find the latest content in any category, along with discussing this content with peers. This has proven to be a successful model for a site like

The main difference is that by visiting a site that curates all content, the visitors are actively helping the web publishers solve their problem as well. So our first goal is to create a platform that is visited by millions of people every single day so all publishers that curate their content can easily grow their audience, and the website visitors don’t have to worry about being tracked or being sold to third-party advertisers.

As mentioned earlier we will also focus on ADZbuzz communities so everybody can easily join his favorite community and instantly find all the latest content of their favorite sites.

Daily Rewards For ADZbuzz Users

In order to increase the retention rate of new members, we give a login bonus to people who are active on the ADZbuzz every 24 hours. The requirement to receive this bonus is fairly simple:
Login to ADZbuzz once a day

If you are still logged in the day after, perform an action such as visiting another page or scrolling down one of the timelines

The daily login bonus can either be withdrawn after 30 days or donated to a club or cause (more about this later on) on the earnings withdraw page.

30% of the total profit share is divided amongst people logging in daily. 6% to people with no active referrals and 24% in a pool based on the amount of active referrals members have.

DFY Advertising

In order to give everybody the opportunity to earn daily rewards from storing ADZcoins in the ad server we have created a unique opportunity called the “done for you advertising” option. Here’s how that works:
You deposit ADZcoins into the ADZbuzz ad server

We post advertisements for you on the ADZbuzz network

Your advertisements receive ad impressions and clicks

Revenue generated from the promoted offers get divided amongst people who active the DFY advertising option

People who post advertisements on ADZbuzz do so in order to make money. If we post advertisements to offers and make sales, we make money too. This option is meant for people who don’t know how to find and test high converting offers but still want to make daily profits from their ADZcoins.

This is not only a very interesting option for the average ADZbuzz user who can also deposit his daily earnings into the DFY ad server, it’s also an amazing feature to get more ADZcoins stored in the ad server which means fewer people will sell their coins. This increases scarcity which will gradually push the price of ADZcoin upwards (amongst all other factors explained earlier).

Activating the DFY option can be done when depositing ADZcoins into the

ADZbuzz web wallet:

This can be done on the dashboard in the ADZbuzz web wallet page and transfer coins to your ad wallet. All that needs to be done is mark the box

called “Enabled DFY” and ADZbuzz users receive a daily share in the profits from our advertisements as explained above.

The Role Of ADZcoin For Regular Website Visitors

ADZcoin has a dual function for regular website visitors. First of all it will allow them to have a better user-experience because all the content they love to consume is centralized. Secondly it also gives them an option to discover the power of cryptocurrencies and earn some coins themselves.

In that sense we firmly believe that the ADZbuzz system in combination with ADZcoin could be the bridge between the cryptocurrency crowd and the mainstream.

The ultimate goal is to make ADZcoin the universal online currency accepted by 1000’s of merchants worldwide. When this happens, the benefit will be that because of the daily login bonus, all ADZbuzz users will get a direct discount on all products in ADZcoin accepting merchants.

ADZbuzz Solutions For People Raising Funds

Crowdfunding is a great way to raise funds fast, without too much hassle. There is no need to sell something or to organize events to raise funds, you can simply ask for donations from the people.

The problem is obviously that you need to find a lot of people willing to donate money in order to reach your goals. That’s why for instance on Kickstarter, one of the major crowdfunding websites, only 35% of the projects that are launched there (after serious vetting from the Kickstart staff) reach their funding target.

On ADZbuzz we have created the perfect system to help certain groups of people raise funds easily and in a fun way. We will show you based on the first platform we are creating to help you understand the complete system.

Tifostarter Overview

The first platform that will use the ADZbuzz system to raise funds is Tifostarter, a crowdfunding site where people can earn money for their favorite football team in order to create tifos. A tifo is a display of fans before or during games, here you can see an example:

As you can see thousands of banners and/or cards are needed in order to create this amazing display. This costs a lot of money, funds that the fans most of the time raise themselves by selling merchandise or simply asking for donations from other fans.

In order to help out the 2.5 billion football fans worldwide to create more tifos during games, we have created a platform that will allow football fans to raise funds for free.

The system works as follows:
Sign up to ADZbuzz Tifostarter and pick your favorite team.

Login to ADZbuzz Tifostarter once a day to read the latest football news, which is added to the site through the ADZbuzzer (as seen before).

Automatically donate your daily login bonus to your team’s balance.

Earn more on ADZbuzz Titan from 20+ free earning opportunities to donate even more to your team.

As you can see, the system of ADZbuzz is replicated into a niche specific platform, a niche where people can really use some extra cash. The content discovery angle is also perfect for this niche because football news is some of the most read news online.

This system will not only ensure that millions of people join ADZbuzz Tifostarter, but also that millions of people will get to know the ADZbuzz main platform, all our partner sites and equally important, get to know and use our decentralized cryptocurrency ADZcoin.

The benefits of this setup is immense:
It’s 100% free to get started

There is added value with the content discovery platform

Donations are sent in ADZcoin, a deflationary currency

ADZbuzz can attract millions of users to its platform easily

The cross-promotion of all our platforms is a serious benefit for the ADZbuzz project, so it’s fair to conclude that this is a mutually beneficial angle.

ADZbuzz Crowdfunding Expansion

Now that you have a clear view on how the system for crowdfunding works, it’s clear that this concept can be replicated easily. A lot of people can benefit from this type of setup. Here are some examples:
Other sports

There are numerous sports teams in other sports who raise funds for various things. Whether it’s fan gear, an event or just funding regular fan activities, all sports teams can benefit by raising funds on ADZbuzz. At the same time the fans can stay up to date about the team’s latest news.

People who are already raising funds are registered charities. It will only make sense they invite their audience to ADZbuzz in order to stay up to date about the latest news about their cause while at the same time raising more funds.

Schools often have fundraisers to sponsor events or travels, so this is also a target audience that can benefit from our system. Students and parents can also stay up to date about anything school related on the ADZbuzz discovery platform.

Kickstarter has been the starting point for tons of new businesses with creative ideas. As an extra fundraiser they could post updates about their project and make some extra money at the same time.

I think it’s pretty clear that after a successful launch of ADZbuzz Tifostarter there is nothing in the way to replicate this system for all other niches that require funding and want to help people stay up to date with the latest news.

At the same time this will give the ADZbuzz a huge boost because we have an extra angle to promote our project.

ADZbuzz/ADZcoin Timeline

Below you can find the timeline of the project from the start to our projected releases in the future:
November 2015 -> ADZcoin - Decentralized cryptocurrency

January 2016 -> ADZbuzz - content discovery platform

January 2016 -> ADZbuzz lounge - Facebook type timeline

January 2016 -> ADZbuzz social timeline - See what content your friends shared

February 2016 -> ADZbuzz web wallet - securely store your coins on ADZbuzz

March 2016 -> ADZbuzz Pay (Alpha) - Payment gateway similar to

May 2016 -> ADZbuzz communities - help publishers grow their audience

July 2016 -> Referral System - Get paid more to refer others to ADZbuzz

August 2016 -> ADZbuzz forum - discussion forum connected to ADZbuzz

October 2016 -> Team Expansion - Employing 10 people full-time

November 2016 -> ADZbuzzer - social share feature just as facebook, twitter etc.

December 2016 -> ADZbuzz Savers (Alpha) - Price comparison site

January 2017 -> ADZlink - small icon that pays publishers just as regular ads

February 2017 -> ADZnouncer - Post your new content on ADZbuzz easily

March 2017 -> ADZbuzz makeover - Complete redesign and restructure of the ADZbuzz platform

April 2017 -> ADZbuzz ads - advertise for free using ADZcoin ad wallet

April 2017 -> ADZbuzz publishers - native ad network integrated into ADZbuzz

May 2017 -> ADZbuzz profit share - get paid daily to login to ADZbuzz

May 2017 ADZbuzz indirect donations - Burn address decreasing the ADZcoin supply

June 2017 -> ADZbuzz DFY ads - let us advertise and earn daily ADZ

June 2017 -> ADZbuzz hosting - Web hosting that supports the ADZbuzz Project

July 2017 -> Referral contest - Earn VIP spots by referring members that buy ADZ

July 2017 -> ADZbuzz exchange - buy ADZ on ADZbuzz in 3 steps automatically (sell walls coming as well)

July 2017 -> ADZbuzz Services - Fiverr-like services marketplace

August 2017 -> ADZbuzz Titan - Earn from more than 20 opportunities every day in ADZcoin

August 2017 -> ADZbuzz Tifostarter - Raise funds for your favorite football team

August 2017 -> 100K+ ADZbuzz members - Aim to get more than 10% active and logging in daily

September 2017 -> ADZbuzz Shop market - Etsy-like site focusing on ADZcoin accepting merchants

October 2017 -> ADZbuzz Savers (Beta) - Launch of price comparison site to the public

November 2017 -> ADZbuzz Pay (Beta) - Launch of In-house ADZcoin payment processor to public

November 2017 -> Rebuilt ADZbuzz Codebase - Improve the code of ADZbuzz focusing on scalability with Laravel PHP

December 2017 -> Automated ADZ discounts - Connected ADZ wallet to ADZbuzz Pay to get discounts

January 2018 -> 1 Million+ ADZbuzz members - Aim to get more than 10% active and logging in daily

Q1 2018 -> Focus on attracting more merchants on ADZbuzz Savers

Q1 2018 -> Increase amount of merchants accepting ADZcoin using ADZbuzz Pay

Q1 2018 -> Expand ADZbuzz team to 50+ employees

Q2 + Q3 + Q4 2018 -> Launch various other platforms to increase the ADZcoin daily profit share

2019 -> Unlimited exponential growth

At the moment of publishing this white paper we are on the verge of launching the two most anticipated platforms in the ADZbuzz timeline (up until this moment) namely ADZbuzz Titan and ADZbuzz Tifostarter.

join it today through this link and start earning today

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