"The strong shall stand and the weak shall fall" this words whispered in the wind as FUD took over weak hands.Back in time "Medieval " all hail lord Bitcoin mighty defender of the cryptoverse. Chants the crowd lord Bitcoin!!! lord Bitcoin!!! lord Bitcoin!!! Words from afar lord Bitcoin speaks "thank you all, thank you all, am well pleased to be before you all today.I promise to keep to my words ,i promise not to fail you all and the Blockchain shall never be broken thank you. Crowd joyfully chants. 2days later , General Xrp walks into the palace; greetings lord Bitcoin, oohh!!! what a pleasant visit what brings you to my kingdom General Xrp ? Lord Bitcoin fear has risen amongst the military troops ,we received news from the far South that Usd tethers are planing on marching towards the tower of Blockchain. Lord Bitcoin could this be a pump rally coming up? Noo!!! General Xrp send my message across to the troops Tell them to remain fit and be on alert no harm shall befall anyone.I will do just that lord bitcoin i have speeds of up to three seconds, very fast to deliver your message to the troops. Thank you General Xrp please when leaving tell lit General Litecoin to report here immediately. Lit General Litecoin enters , Lord Bitcoin you sent for me yes, i did General Xrp brought news from the far south and to my hearing that Usd tethers are planing on marching towards the tower of Blockchain i need you to follow up on this plan and get every relevant information you can find.
To be continued.