MTK - MAGIC TRADING TOKEN _ International investment platform



The international investment platform Magic Trading announced the biggest update in recent times, opening up new opportunities and prospects both for the company and for all partners. Additional detailed directions are the quintessence of technology, experience and progressive prospects.
Mining Center is a unique startup to make mining accessible! The developed plan that includes mining of high-tech cryptocurrencies with the application of renewable energy sources forms the basis of this direction. Mining Center is the easiest and most effective way to make money on mining without buying and maintaining your own equipment. Implemented by leasing the company's equipment capacity. One of the significant advantages of this investment is the ability to start mining in literally two clicks. Get a stable passive income without the unnecessary risk and difficulty of self-mining. Investment in the Mining Center will be carried out in 4 stages, with the possibility of earning a net profit of 20% to 50%, depending on the specific investment stage.


International investment platform Magic Trading enters a critical phase of digitizing personal assets

Following a detailed scaling plan, the company will go through the process of creating a global joint stock company in stages. From now on, each partner of the company will be able to become the full owner of a portion of the company's shares, receive additional dividends and have the right to vote at international meetings, solving important issues regarding the future of the company.


Token stock

Crypto Assets - includes not only digital currencies, but also stocks, bonds and other tokenized securities. Tokenized shares are securities in the form of security tokens that operate using blockchain technology.

Tokens are backed by real assets and tied to their value. In fact, these are real shares of the company declaring ownership, allowing it to receive dividends. Digital tokens retain all the characteristics of traditional assets, to which the advantages of blockchain are added: transparency, security, speed and low fees.

Assets in this area have proven themselves to be effective investment solutions. Security tokens are backed by real assets and tied to their value.

It is impossible to forge digital parts like that. Unlike supervolatile cryptocurrencies, which can rapidly rise in price and just as rapidly fall in price, tokenized shares are considered a more reliable asset, as provided by the value of the company.


A full rollout of the platform and public access is slated for later this year. Stay tuned to all platform information channels for the latest information.

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Bitcoin Profile : Endang jembatan;u=1827996

Wallets Address: TJNwoNSVs84afoMkWk6EzX8Jnm6nGC2vun

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