Just found more Steemit Programs-Websites

in bitcoinbully •  6 years ago 


I just found more steemit websites throughBitCoinBully I found out that there is so much more to steemit then just what I have already found. I just found two more. Well, didn’t find them they have been there.


The first is Dsound . On Dsound you can just record what ever you want and people can download it. Whatever you want just record it, up load it, and that’s it. I don’t know to much about it, I just found it latterly 10 minutes ago but it is something I definitely have plans for already.


The Second one I have found through BitCoinBully is busy.org It is a Facebook on the steemit blockchain so yes just like everything else you can get paid for it through up votes and interacting with other posts. Again I just found this one so don’t know to much about it but can wait to learn more.

I am learning so much about Steemit and Crypto in general from BitCoinBully and from jongolson and I wish I had the time to just dive in and do all that I want to do, sadly I don’t, but I have a plane and may not get there as fast as some but I will get there.

Think you to all those that has helped me on my journey into steemit and crypto. And as always have fun because if your not whats the point?

And no matter what program you are using you are helping the Steemit and you are reworded for it!
Also I have no idea how to center images yet, Sorry!

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