Interview: Nopara on Wasabi Wallet, Bitcoin privacy & fungibility

in bitcoincore •  6 years ago 

Hungarian software developer Nopara has created one of the most useful pieces of software in Bitcoin. In a nutshell, Wasabi Wallet is a great privacy-friendly and fungibility-restoring tool. It makes use of ToR routing to make sure that nobody can link your activity with a certain IP address, it doesn't allow you to use one BTC address more than once, and it establishes a safe ecosystem where you can mix your bitcoins via Chaumian CoinJoin.

As if the features weren't enough to raise the eyebrows of both cypherpunks and enthusiasts, Wasabi also connects to your full node and makes use of a very simple and friendly user interface. The fact that you can access all the functions without typing in a single line of code, while everything is friendly enough for any computer user to comprehend, is a great achievement in itself. Knowing just how much cryptocurrency software developers struggle to find a balance between technical features and accessibility is an extra reason to praise Nopara's efforts.

Wasabi Wallet allows bitcoiners to benefit from a greater amount of privacy, and has a nice CoinJoin implementation too. Credit: Bitcoin Core vs Wasabi Wallet

During this exclusive hour-long interview, the Hungarian developer is firmly humble, unnecessarily technical and specific about the facts he mentions (as opposed to the general understanding of the host), but also unexpectedly critical of his own work. Even though Wasabi Wallet gets a lot of praise from the community and is held in high regards as a complement for Bitcoin Core, we are dealing with a perfectionist who knows exactly what can be improved and never settles for anything below his high standards and ambitions.

Instead of bragging with his accomplishments, Mr. Nopara feels compelled to acknowledge the merits of BTC mixing tool JoinMarket and references some of the articles that he wrote on Medium – which you are strongly encouraged to read.

Wasabi Wallet is an excellent tool, and you should definitely give it a try. The CoinJoin function allows you to mix your BTC up to 50 times, so that the previous transactions of your coins become untraceable. Furthermore, the ToR integration is excellent and makes sure that no intrusive third parties can arbitrarily check our your activity. And last but not least, the interface is one of the best you will find in the field.

Without further ado, here is the interview with the great Nopara:

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