Need to Trade or Own Bitcoin?

in bitcoinlover •  3 years ago 

There is an old saying in finance that 98% of the people who try to trade cannot trade. They never trade profitably enough to make a full-time living.

Trading is a very challenging activity and requires the right mix of dedication, patience, natural ability, and emotional control. Most people just don't have the potential to be successful traders. This is bad news.

The good news is that holing isn't always easy, but it's much more accessible to the general public than to businesses. Anyone can buy and hold Bitcoin. This does not require any special training

In terms of profits, Warren Buffett was an investor, not a businessman, and for some time the wealthiest man in the world. Buffet Wealth tells you everything you need to know about the amount you can invest. For the average person dealing with cryptocurrencies, dealing with cryptocurrencies is much better than trying to trade them.

What does HODL mean in the crypto world?

Contrary to popular belief, Hodl is not the name Hold On For Dear Life. Hodl is a phrase that refers to a popular post on the Bitcointalk forums.

A stubborn businessman who drank wrote a post about how he lost the money trade and quit the little game. Instead of moving up and down in position, you would have held Bitcoin for the long haul. Posts misspelled "hold" as "hold" instantly became a classic and the term hodl was born.

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