Volatility % INCREASE - DECREASE of AVERAGE PRICE MOVEMENT <<>> ME-TARZAN TOP 40 INDEX CHART <<>> December 29 , 2018steemCreated with Sketch.

in bitcointradingresearch β€’Β  6 years agoΒ 

πŸ’ I have put together a daily chart of the average PERCENTAGE 24hr price movement of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies listed on coinmarketcap starting on October 12 , 2018 I record the data everyday at 7:00 AM EST give or take a few minutes


All data recorded daily at 7:00 AM EST
Data information from :


πŸ’ GREEN LINE : Average daily % price Increase - Decrease ((volatility)) of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies

LEGEND PRICE : Left side of chart



πŸ’ The Greatest Average daily % price increase of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies : 13.85% was on December 19 , 2018
πŸ’ The Greatest Average daily % price decrease of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies : ( -16.25% ) was on November 20 , 2018
πŸ’ Today's Average daily % movement in price of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies : 7.07%


πŸ’ Expecting to break above the top red line soon and have more positive moves then negative moves .

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what is the significance of the red line? Is it a standard deviation? Also is your point that the trend line is upward ie more positive deviation? Any comment on why the big jump in volatility?