RE: The BitConnect Whitepaper - Maths of a Ponzi

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The BitConnect Whitepaper - Maths of a Ponzi

in bitconnect •  8 years ago 

Why is it unsustainable? You realize the orice of bitconnect will maintain like it HAS and its NOT a ponzi scheme, its a crypto curency blockchaina nd its decentralized! It will stay around forever and plataeu liek steem will in a few years when we go down to 1 percent ayear

bitconnect is similar to steem with its locking in of money for a year, (steem only 3 months now0 but bitconnect is not a ponzi scheme, a ponzischeme would use money from new investors to pay old investors

this is not how bitconnect works, bitconnect pays its users a percentage that is actiualy LESS than what they would make if they would have just BOUGHt the bitconnect tokens and held on to them!

dont you se? Its like that Bitcoin ponzischeme that got shut down by the SEC but the creator had a CHANCE to actually PAY BACK EVERYONE their inital invest PLUS interest, and STILl kep miullions but he got greedy and tried to leave with ALL the bitcoina nd got caughta nd went to jail, but honestly he could have kept the system going, and bitconnect is what would hacve hapened if the guy WOULD have just paid people!

Now these customers WOULD have made MUCH more money buying Bitcoins , then investing in this ponzi from year ago im talking about, just like p[eople who invest in bitconnect are only making money because bitconnect COIN is going up in value because profiuts are reinvested back in bitconnect coin LIKE a company buying back its own stock shares

Its npot a ponzi scheme, its just more like if Bitcoin investors gave tgheir money to someone whop just invested in bitcoin and gave he investors a cut of the bitcoin profit, all made off bitcoin going up in price, and it makes total sense! Its all powered off the growth in crypto currencies!!!!

Bitconnect is on coinmarketcap...its a decentrlized crypto currency....the internal exchange is NOT the only exchange and Bitconnect is actually being added to many new exchanges now, and ANYONE can exchange biutconnect using bitcnnect wallet totally off the bitconnect website, no need to use it to trade bitconnect, but yeah u think theyre manipualting thir closed market? think again!

Its not that simple! This is just a crypto curency, rising in value, the users are forced tio buy ibitconnect to make their interest, themoney comes from not new users but the price of bitconect coin goingup in value, and the users would make mmore money just investing in bitconnct coin! dont u see that?

They wont be offering the same ghigh prcentages they offer now! that will have to change UNLESS the porice of bitconnect keeps ghoing up!

see people outside the main site are biuying bitconnect! people buy bitconnect on WITHOUT doing the investment! they just make money buying th coina nd holding! THSI is where all the extra money is also coming from! its fiat and bitcoin taken from oiutside the coin market cap, and its going into bitconnect coin! THATS where it comes frm! peopel who just buy and hold bitconnect but who arent even doing the "loans"

hey maybe i am wrong! but i have seen too much evidence to provce that bitcnnect makes sense and that they are actually makiong much more money the way its working now, than they could EVER make "running away with all the money"

just think about this, if they shut down bitconnect and tried running away with al the bitconnect coins...the price of bitconnct coin woul drop to $0 over night and the coisn woul be worthless, and theyd get arrested and go to prison, noone is that stuipid, the people arent goinganywhere, this isnt the 1920s, u cant just pack your bags and run away, peopel will find you now, its easier than ever to find someone ESPECIALLy the publicly registered Bitcoin staff! they have the government watching them, and if anything theyll get shut down by the IRS lol if anything

but seriously you sound a little JELOUS maybe? maybe youre JELOUS that you ddnt get into bitconnect a little earlier?

I know you WANt tyo belive its a pionzi scheme and so does everyone else who feels people like @craig-grant and @trevvonjb somehow dont deserve the money they ahve earned, but thats just foolish envy from people who are angry for not having gotten in bitconnect when it was $4 per BCC coin like I did in March..abnd now its almost $100 and will soon go to $1000 and rival Bitcoin in prioce because its simply so popular!

Youre bot thinking with the part of your bran that actualy analysis and problem solves, your thinking with the part that does confirmation bias, youre TRYING to set out to prove its a scam, because you want to justify your own lack of investment and tell yourself its OK that you never made any money on Bitconnect, when no you just missed out and now youre trying to make excuses, its sad

But its fine, i was like u once, i was talking shit to craiga nd saying referals are not moral and i had No ide athat he was only promoting systems like Bitconnect and Genesis which have ONLY made people money even WITHOUIT any refeerals, like me i havent gotten any referals yet i still almost made all my money back and wth genesis people ALL make money especialy people whop bought btc mining power when btc was only $1000 months ago, and so I want to see if you can understand this simple fact

You realize people called Bitcoin a ponzi scheme right? Nbecause people didnt know WHERE the mponey was coming from and just ASSUMED it had to be a scam?

Why cant you see that Bitconnect's profit has been driven by a surge in the price of bitconnect which is a result OF the bitconnect system itself? Locking in ibvestments alows the priuce to stay where it is and more and more USERS allows it to maintain that price AND allow its price to slowly rise even as peopel are constantly cashing out, SIMILAR to Steem in those ways! Steem also depends on new users and locking up money for a time period, like a smart contract.

Sorry if i seem harsh, i just want to make the case for bitconnect being just like any other crypto currency to explain the profit!

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What the hell are you on mate?
Are you even capable of reading and comprehending my reply?

ackza - lending wallet balance: loads a munny. timeleft: forever. feeling: nervous

yeah why wouldnt i be? i can read and write just fine

Because you went on that giant rant saying I'm bitter for missing out when I clearly said I am invested in it. I actually have several thousands of dollars into it and had been earning for several months now. My investment is fully returned by now. I am quite happy with BCC to be honest. I am in no way bitter at those people you mentioned and I don't know why you mentioned them when I haven't talked about any of them at all.
Also saying you can write just fine is ... how to put it... misleading at best. I haven't had a go at the quality of your writing at all but now you mention it how about you reread your post and see for yourself the level of your 'skills' .

The fact that I am profiting from something does not mean I trust it blindly and in my opinion their payouts are not sustainable.
There's so many argument fallacies in your post there is absolutely no need to carry on with this.

I don't believe you can write.

You Sir, are dumb as a bucket of hair.

I've been convicted, imprisoned, and fined a total of $18 million for running ponzis and this is the ponziest ponzi i've ever seen. Where were you when I was actually running ponzis?

This assumes Bitcoin keeps going up, because they are paying out 1% a day, Bitcoin needs to keep going up or else they will not be able to payout.

and it will...... bitcoin goes up... bitconnect will stay..

I sort of grasped that you are nailing it with this article, though some parts were too technical for me. Thanks!