Zero interest payout on BitConnect today? Is this a first?

in bitconnect •  8 years ago 


First time this has happened for me, and it does affect my calculated returns.

I have not used the program for very long, so I am wondering if others have experienced this in the past?

Since it launched in late 2016, I am hoping there is still quite a bit of life left.

How about everyone else? Has this happened before?

I see interest rates have also decreased on average...

Hope everyone has an awesome, productive and relaxing weekend.


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Let's hope for higher rates. Last 2 days been low, to say the least. Keep hopeful. Maybe tonight will correct and be ok. We will see.

Hey, thanks for sharing.

Yeah, I am hopeful and optimistic... Have you seen other zero interest days?

Be positive. It will go up. You'll see.

it does that based on its overall price

Interesting... You mean BCC price??


I was gonna get involved with this and then I didn't like how I had to invest in a coin that had essentially no function, giving up my BTC (what little I have) then when I cash out at 299 days...I get paid in USD? that sucks. Who knows if this outfit will be around in the future?