in bitconnect •  8 years ago 


BITCONNECT (BCC) IS DECENTRALIZED CRYPTO-CURRENCY AND BELONGS TO THE TOP #13 IN COINMARKETCAP (Pls. check www.coinmarketcap.com). The main focus of Bitconnect are as follows;

  1. Trading. 2. Lending. 3. Mining and 4. Staking.

To join my Team click this link NOW!
http://bit.ly/bitcoinprince or http://bit.ly/btcprincess (Min.cap=$100)

The requirement above before you deposit you must have bitcoin/ btc wallet Coins.ph links: https://coins.ph/m/join/j0dzos (Philippines Exchange)

The Cheapest Exchange that only charge flat rate of 0.50% or 0.0002BTC Coinpayments links: https://gocps.net/sfg8gao80dn61eqbasr... (International Exchange)

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Bitconnect is awesome! Been there since July ;)

Thank you and so far Bitconnect is one of the profitable coin aside from Steem Coin. You can invest from a minimum capital of $100 to Maximum $100K. Today and my wife already profited more than $2,000 from the capital of $6,120 after 26 days.

I give back 50% of my referral bonus, whatever the initial amount you invest!

If you are new signup here. If you already registered with out Sponsor you can change your sponsor to " Astrael"

After assigning me as a sponsor and Lend money, send me your BCC (Bitconnect Coin) address,user name and the amount in USD that you lend to [email protected] or in the comments below and I Will transfer your cut.

Thanks for sharing... Love it.

Thank you and so far Bitconnect is one of the profitable coin side from Steem Coin. Don't delay you can join Bitconnect with a minimum capital of $100 and Maximum $100K. Today and my wife already profited more than $2,000 from the capital of $6,120 after 26 days.