🥇 My Bitconnect milestone!!!! 🍻

in bitconnect •  7 years ago 


Well it took just about 34 days to reach over $1000 profit using Bitconnect, but here we are..... Obviously I haven't "made" any money until I pull anything out, but on paper the system is working well. 

I told myself that I will only put in $3100 and reinvest all daily payouts until my initial investment is returned (239 days). I'll pull my $3100 back out and play with whatever is left over, should be around $30,000. Hopefully that $30,000 will average me 1% a day and I'll pull that out weekly or so... 

Fingers crossed everyone....   🤞  🤞  🤞 

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@ahuruglica I know... It seems everyone else can post about Bitconnect but me. Someone suggested last time this happened that I post more stuff... So I posted more stuff, and all I post about is crypto, and most of the people I follow are crypto.. This is primarily a crypto page and everything I've got my hands in. Frustrating 😞