Hello Guys ,
I give 10% of your investment on EVERY lend you make under my referral and provide training/support for you to grow your network. . [ yes, 10 % Of your full investment AND 10% on ALL other investments you make]
How is it possible for me to give back 10% of your investment? My Uplines and I work as a team and they also give back their shares.(5%,3%,2$)
Sponsor Name: snipersteam
If you already created an account without sponsor, then you can go to: Management Tools > Profile > Edit Sponsor and type in : snipersteam
If you lend: $100 get $10
If you lend: $1,000 get $100
If you lend: $10,000 get $1000
If you lend: $100,000 get $10000
If you need my assistant or more information send me an text/whatsapp at: 321-593-5016
Once your are sponsored, request to join our EXCLUSIVE Facebook group where you can redeem your interest and utilize our team as a means for training/support (Weekly Live Trainings Recorded).
FaceBook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sniperstube/
Other Social Media to Contact:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/snipers
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sniperstube