If you interest Korean exchange Bithumb?
You can advance reservation.
Bithumb Pro will be release until next month!
That have 3 event
1 is commission will be down 0.15% > 0.05%
2 is top 100 trader will be given gift
Products are Samsung notebook 9 pen and Samsung Galaxy note8
3 If you find a bug in website and report them, you can receive 10~1000$ depending on importances
Here is link if you interest >>> http://bithumb.cafe/archives/20981
빗썸 프로 출시예정 사전 예약 원하시면 링크 타고 가시면 됩니다.
If you think valuable please support me.
0x5036Da1DbA5c6aDfDC2bAc81Aeee973a3e1C5667 this is my MEW you can send trx, pundi x, Ethereum.
I will really appreciate about just 1 trx ,1trx price is 0.05$ lol