Nowadays, a large number of different sites are available on the Internet, where you can exchange crypto-currency assets. With such a large number of alternative options it can be difficult to determine which platform to exchange the crypto currency is chosen for. Usually the final solution is to choose between a more convenient service that will not take too much commission, and with a good exchange rate.
In this article we will introduce you to a service like Bitmora, we will describe in detail its main features and functions, thanks to which you will be able to understand whether the given trading platform is suitable for you. The Bitmora platform creates a new level exchange exchange of crypto-currencies and offers everyone to join the project development from the very beginning of its development.
About the platform
Bitmora is a stock exchange of crypto-currency assets, which combines the best functions that can be inherent in the trading platform with the solution of the pressing problems encountered by such sites before.
The creators of the Bitmora project state that they are literally tired of paying a large commission. To solve this problem, the Bitmora project team seeks to establish a new user reward system that will allow platform participants to choose between two types of commissions that vary from the volume of trade in crypto assets and these types directly.
But the most important plus of the platform is its democratized way of working. Each Bitmora member will be able to vote on the innovation on the ecosystem. The most interesting and useful proposals will be submitted to the public in the form of surveys with open results.
For more mobile and convenient work with the platform, the Bitmora development team suggests using applications for personal computers and smartphones, as well as a user support system.
The main advantages of the project include:
- transparency of all data;
- modern and convenient interface;
- operational support of the platform;
- security of digital assets;
- rational justification for relatively low commissions.
How Bitmora works
In addition, that this site provides all its participants with fully democratic conditions for the exchange of crypto assets, Bitmora also realizes the possibility of investing in the development of the platform itself. The process of introducing new functions that Bitmora uses today works as follows: each member of the community has the opportunity to offer a new function that will be further implemented on the platform (if approved by the community).
The Bitmora platform will use a revolutionary payment system that will allow the user to select the commission that he will pay, as previously mentioned. At the initial stage, the percentage of all financial transactions will be about 0.2%. For more active platform participants who commit a rather large number of such operations, a reduction in the commission rate will be provided.
The Bitmora project team will not organize the ICO. Platform creators agree with the ICO's holding of decentralized finteh companies, but at the same time believe that this event is unproductive for using the token itself. In addition, the Bitmora platform is indeed capable of becoming one of the best exchanges of crypto assets.
Instead of the ICO, the Bitmora funding campaign will be organized on the basis of the usual crowdam-pending platform with payments for investors, which will be credited to their accounts no later than 3 months from the date of opening the project. A fixed interest rate of 30% of the project's monthly income will be distributed among community members. Depending on the level of the investor and his participation in supporting the development of the platform, monthly payments can continue for 12-18 months.
It is also worth noting that each member of the Bitmora crypto community will be required to verify the data according to the requirements of KYC.
For more detailed information about the project and the terms of participation, I recommend to visit the links below:
WEB page:
White paper: