Bitpet new dApps in Cryptocurrency world. This is real investment

in bitpet •  7 years ago 

Do you know Bitpet ?
スクリーンショット 2018-03-17 15.49.14.png

You may hear about this game name , if you are in dApps world. Ethereum made standard ERC721 that can make unique Token last fall and it makes booming of dApps game with ERC721. and we see many real investment Gambling.

This month 2nd (Mar/2018), Bitpet released in the Cryptocurrency world and hitting now. One big reason is that entry fee for start and enjoy gaming is lower than other dApps. and we see some small trading success with some income by PET Trading.

By my experience. I invested 0.3 ETH and then I could expand my asset value around 0.5ETH in Bitpet. It is still in Bitpet, I calculate Currency and Calculate my Pet average price. You can see even small investment, I can enjoy business in Bitpet world with tiny money.

By my case, I made children from 2 pets. and Children have 3 unique features. Special or multiple featured Pet , we can sale higher price. I got one of pet at Auction. We can find special featured pet in Auction. I believe this is one of standard gain method at this game early stage. In near future, Game platform prepare Competition of Pet. It seems run?? Winner will get reward.

If you are interested in this game. You can try this game from below. Have a nice Bitpet with real ETH. See you in Bitpet :-)

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