BitShares Thailand - new Twitter account for updatessteemCreated with Sketch.

in bitshares •  7 years ago 

Join us on the fastest and best decentralized exchange - BitShares

We'll be tweeting all the latest articles from along with breaking crypto and #BitShares news - be sure to follow us on Twitter and help spread the BitShares word!

If you're familiar with and our journey towards BitShares DEX for Thailand, you'll be pleased to know things are progressing at lightning pace and more updates are due very soon.

Be the first to find out by following our Twitter!
BitShares is a decentralized exchange and smart asset platform based on the same Graphene blockchain technology by @dan as Steemit. Checkout some of the articles I've written about it on my company shared account
Original Announcements

Learn how a DAC operates Part 1
How a DAC operates Part 2

Part 3 coming up!

Click to reserve your named account on the Bitshares DEX today!

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Good luck in Thailand

Thank you!