Introducing Bitshares to Students Use of Funds

in bitshares •  7 years ago  (edited)

Bitshares is such a powerful asset.

Why not use it to fund and teach a whole generation of students about:

  • financial trading and investments,
  • cryptocurrency and blockchain technology,
  • transfers and creation of wealth through superior transfer tech and User-Issued Assets (UIA),
  • and many other life lessons.


Previous "Introducing Students to Bitshares" posts have outlined the power of this synergy and the related action plan for success (Links at end of this post).

This post details the Use of Funds for the "Introducing Bitshares to Students."

useoffunds graph.jpg

This Use of Funds is based off five (5) schools with thirty (30) students for 150 students plus faculty and teachers.

Here is how the funding for "Introducing Students to Bitshares" will be used:


Here is how the funding will be distributed:


Educating 150 high-school and university students across five (5) different influential schools for $2,131 (28,770 BTS) is such an epic investment.

This will serve to prove the success of the "Introducing Bitshares to Students" program to students, faculty, teachers, and schools so that in Summer 2018 a larger action plan can be implemented to get the rest of the students and faculty at these targeted schools on board.

It seems like a reasonable and beneficial thing for Bitshares to invest in.

The education of this and future generations of students.

For more information about "Introducing Students to Bitshares Action Plan" go here:


For more information about the synergy behind "Introducing Students to Bitshares" go here:

If chosen as a topic of interest, "Introducing Bitshares to Students" will describe the program in the Bitshares Hangout this Saturday at 8:00AM CDT / 1:00 PM UTC.

If you feel like there is a win-win-win, support it here:

For more information about the Bitshares Hangout here is the link from @officialfuzzy:


Thank you as always for your time, support, and attention.

You can download Bitshares Wallet here


Image Sources:



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nice to share

Thank you :)

God bless.


Like I said in part one I love this project it is so important to educate the youth about this world changing technology (Blockchain, Bitshares, STEEM, Steemit, Openledger etc.) because this technology and the youth are our future!!!

I hope that the crypto market makes a big jump soon and Bitshare doubles in price because then this project can educate 300 students with the same amount of Bitshare token :)

I would be very happy if you can keep me informed about the project and if there is any help needed just let me know and I will see what I can do.

Kids (Students) are like books we should read them and write in them!



Amennnnnn and will do my brother will do.

I love how you said that we should read students because we need to be able to adapt our methods to teach them.

Greatness adapts :)

But wow that is an excellent point. And Bitshares has a community Bitshares pool they use to fund worker proposals so I don't see why they wouldn't want to fund educating students on Bitshares.

Thank you for all you do.

God bless.

Namaste :)

Greatness adapts amen!!!

God bless



Great idea, I think in the near future they will start introducing these topics in school.

God willing :)

I read somewhere that they have started teaching bitcoin in some foreign countries. It is happening! Have you thought about maybe teaching in small seminars?

That's a great idea. Yeah we have to add that to the game plan thank you for sharing.

And that is so awesome. Educating these generations will do some much good :)

That is such an amazing project that will surely benefit the students and faculty. Cryptos and block chain are the future therefore investing in teaching it is a brilliant idea.Wishing all those involved great success :)

Wow thank you so much for your positive energy and words. Glad you see the vision :)

God bless.


I have been looking more into Bitshares as of late. I think its a great way to educate financial students. I am getting back into school to finish my biz degree but I am thinking of switching major to economics because I feel so strongly about the future of Cryptocurrency and coupled with my entrepreneurial background, I want help educate the next generation of blockchain business owners.

O heck yeahhh you see the vision :)

It is such a powerful tool we can use to inspire real, positive change.

Economics is an excellent major. I added Economics as a major to Finance after my freshmen year and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. You learn so much about macro and micro elements of the economy and life in general.

Wish you the best :)

God bless.


Thank you sir for the input!

You're welcome :)

man you are a true valuable asset to the community I swear. You are doing really good things.

Thank you my brother thank you :)

God bless.


Thanks for this great innovation!

You're welcome :)

God bless.


Ayyyy yesss :)

God bless.


Buen post porque no aplicarlo?? Gracias


But the price fall half in a week

I don't see how price is relevant to teaching students cryptocurrency. If anything it demonstrates the swing of the market.

Thanks for sharing, i will resteem but i have voiceshares i want to convert to steems . How do i go about that. I already have bitshares account but i need help in converting my voiceshares.will follow you also, kindly find a way to help

The best way to do that would be to use the Voiceshares as upvotes on your Steemit posts. Check @voiceshares and you will be able to see how much the upvote is worth and how to do it :)

You can also sell Voiceshares for BTS and then use the BTS to buy STEEM as well.