Abit and DL seem to be carrying BTS forward. Websites are up, but nothing is running anywhere near the previous levels. Transactions are still happening in the blockchain. This project could easily revive anytime enough critical mass forms around it. There is very little patience for anything critical in the Telegram rooms. People get banned all the time. You had better not challenge that status quo. While before the telegram rooms went rampant with vulgar comments, unprofessionalism and bad behavior now they simply ban things. There have been some new features and product rollouts, but there is also a simple lack of use and may not be enough catalyst to really do what needs to be done. Momentum is less than before and with fewer programmers working on features and ideas the ability to execute is less. Previously there was a lot more fighting over the direction of the blockchain, but professional leadership has always been lacking. It is a bit like a ghost town where so many have moved on. I have not really been active myself but check in the forums from time to time to watch.
RE: What has happened in BitShares?
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What has happened in BitShares?