RE: BitCNY Force settlement offset still at 5%?

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BitCNY Force settlement offset still at 5%?

in bitshares •  7 years ago 

if you own 1 bitusd and press force settlement 24hrs later you will receive 99cents worth of BTS (force settlement offset is 1%)
If you own 1 bitcny and press force settlement 24hrs later you will receive 95 cents worth of BTS (force settlment offset is 5%)

the committee changed CNY force settlement offset from 1% to 5% because of pressure from bitcrab ( a large holder of bitcny)

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im not really following you. 24hrs later force settle would be based on the feed price at that time, so isn't it kind of irrelevant comparing to % of bts at the time of force settlement initiation? also, I know who bitcrab is and have heard about what happened to his during the delist of bts on bittrex. to my knowledge, he leverages his bts for bitcny so he can buy more bts. both of those actions are good for our ecosystem, right? we want to protect those who put up their bts to get bitcny and those who reinvest those bitcny into bts. am I understanding this correctly or totally off in some regards?

It was not due to pressure from bitcrab. It was to prevent black swan. If you ask the devs to return it to previous state they most likely will

That's interesting because what did $BTS loose, like almost 2/3 of it's value from the date of publishing? Lowest I saw was $0.22 bitUSD

Did you see any swans?

Yeah not so much:BitUSD under pressure.png